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Conflict in Ukraine. Soloch: Every scenario is possible. The Russians are estimating their capabilities

It’s been an intense week, but so far nothing has been resolved. Ahead of us, there is a time in which there will be numerous consultations, including Andrzej Duda meeting with the President of Ukraine – said Paweł Soloch, Head of the National Security Bureau, in an interview with Katarzyna Gójska about the situation in eastern Europe.

The editor asked how real is the conflict, the escalation of tension around Ukraine.


“Nothing has been resolved. It has indeed been an intense week when these talks with Russia took place in three formats, direct Russian-American talks, NATO-Russia, OSCE. Ahead of us, there will be a time when there will be numerous consultations, mainly intra-allied, among others Andrzej Duda will meet with the President of Ukraine. We are at such a point that it can be said that the Russians have not given up their radical demands, not to say outright insolent, the West has presented a unified attitude. We have, after the bilateral talks because those were the most emotionally charged, the continuing assurance from U.S. allies that no issue has been decided, prejudged,” said Pawel Soloch.


“We, as allies, will be informed about everything and they inform us at different levels,” he added.


“Now the situation is at a stalemate, but you have to be prepared for the fact, as the UK defence minister has said, that indeed Russia may launch aggression against Ukraine in the coming days,” he assessed.


The head of BBN (National Security Bureau), speaking about Russia’s expectations towards the West, said that we have to take into account that there are different moods among political elites. “There are some who would be willing to be less assertive with Russia, but that’s not acceptable,” he said.


Asked about the possible development of the conflict in Ukraine, he said:


“Every option is possible. A massive attack involving the seizure of all Ukrainian territory seems the least likely, nothing can be ruled out. Currently, the Russians are estimating their options, and if the West maintains its firm, assertive stance, i.e., Putin will get nothing, and they will have to do something. He must make a gesture to his society. Here is the risk of some aggression. Putin will not want to appear a loser in the eyes of his people. His goal is to build Russia’s strength and power, according to a vision like Putin and the Russian elite have,”- he said.

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