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Live trains in the POLREGIO application

POLREGIO has applied for funding for a new digital ticketing system with live tracking of current train positions. The project will significantly simplify the online ticket purchase process and improve passenger service.

POLREGIO has submitted an application in the competition organized by the European Commission under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). The goal of the project is to automate and standardize ticket sales. The digital ticketing and schedule management platform will use blockchain technology and artificial intelligence. The new system will allow passengers to track train movements in real-time and access live connection information, while the carrier will be able to effectively manage its commercial offerings.


The project means several benefits for passengers, including:


– the modern, intuitive and ergonomic process of purchasing tickets for journeys made by POLREGIO trains and by other carriers – all through an integrated platform;

– the visualization of the travel route with the current location of the train;

– an even faster and more efficient system for concluding ticket purchase transactions.


For POLREGIO passengers it will mean even easier access to the railroad offer at any time and any place. Additionally, chatbots and voice bots, using artificial intelligence, will assist in serving people with disabilities (blind, deaf).


The ability to purchase tickets through modern remote channels is all about convenience and savings. There is no need to stand in the line to the ticket office, look for information about the latest offers or check the poster timetable – all important data for a passenger can be checked and a ticket purchased on a mobile device today.

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