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Take care of your eyesight in winter

The winter season can be a challenge for our eyes – the harsh sun reflected off the snow, smog, radiators, watching TV on long evenings – all of these things make our eyes tired faster. Check out how to take care of your eyes in winter.

During the winter period, more often than in the summer we face general body fatigue, lethargy, poorer skin conditions. We are more prone to infections and colds. This is a difficult time for our eyes as well, even if we don’t usually complain of any ailments.


“Cold wind, dry air, and inadequate moisture contribute to tearing, burning, and even sore eyes. In addition, in winter we spend more time at home in front of the TV or computer – it is cold and dark outside, the winter weather does not encourage long walks and outdoor activities,” points out Agnieszka Szopa – optometrist, a specialist at Hoya Lens.


Not everyone realizes that physical activity also affects vision. This is because regular exercise improves blood circulation and its flow to all organs, including the organ of vision. That’s why it’s worth finding a sport you enjoy and putting it permanently in your schedule to improve blood circulation in the eye.


Sunglasses for winter


Remember, however, that the sunglasses we use every day will not pass the test in every situation, and may even pose a danger in case of a fall. Sports goggles may be an alternative. For example, when skiing on the slopes, a properly shaped frame and properly fitted eyeglass lenses protect not only from harmful radiation but also from cold wind and mechanical injuries.


Necessary moisturizing


A key component of proper eye care during the winter season is proper hydration. Cold, dry air can dry out the eye – especially in heated rooms. It’s a good idea to keep your whole body hydrated with at least 2 litres of water a day. Remember also to ventilate the rooms frequently and not to overheat them. If possible, our workstation should be away from a direct heat source and near a humidifier.


Help your eyes


Often after a day spent in front of a screen in the evening, we experience eye pain. Eye fatigue should be an alarming sign to us that we are straining our vision. This may be related to digital eye fatigue. Check if our workstation is ergonomic if the computer screen is at the right distance and whether we have the right lighting or not. If you spend a large part of the day in front of screens, adjust their brightness, contrast, and font size to be friendly to your eyes.


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