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The UN has condemned Russia and ordered its withdrawal from Ukraine. Five countries voted against

The UN General Assembly, with the votes of 141 countries, adopted a resolution condemning Russia and calling for the withdrawal of troops from Ukraine. Five countries were against it, and 35 others abstained.

Polish Ambassador to the United Nations, Krzysztof Szczerski, shared the decision of the Assembly on Twitter.


“The United Nations demand that Russia, together with Belarus, immediately cease the use of force against Ukraine and refrain from any further threat or use of force against any member state, and demand that Russia withdraw its troops immediately and unconditionally”, he wrote.


Among the dissenting votes were Russia and Belarus, Syria, North Korea and Eritrea. India and China abstained


The adopted resolution recognises that Russia has violated the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and “demands that the Russian Federation withdraw immediately, completely and unconditionally all its armed forces from the territory of Ukraine within the borders recognized by the international community.”


The document expresses “serious concern about reports of attacks on civilian facilities such as homes, schools and hospitals, as well as casualties among the civilian population, including women, the elderly, the disabled and children.” It was also regretted that Belarus was involved in the war.


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