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History of the crime

President Volodymyr Zelensky’s speech to the Polish National Assembly will go down in history not only for the moment and the great rhetoric. This will happen because Zelensky has shown a logical sequence of Putin’s crimes, in which the Smolensk murder is an important element.

Could the world expect anything different from a man who, in the first months of his rule, blew up blocks of flats with hundreds of innocent people, citizens of his country, and then justified the massacre of 250,000 Chechnya citizens, including women and children (about 40,000 children)? Georgia’s events were the final warning to counteract this.


Lech Kaczyński’s warning was ignored, and the internal agency did everything to humiliate the Polish president. The European Union allowed and even encouraged trade with the criminal regime in Moscow, whose main beneficiary would be Berlin. After the assassination of Lech Kaczyński in Smoleńsk, Donald Tusk’s government signed a gas contract that makes Poland dependent on Russian gas. Construction of the LNG terminal was slowed down and the Baltic Pipe project was stopped again. We were supposed to get gas from Russia via Germany. The Yamal pipeline would have been shut down after the construction of Nord Stream 2.


Fortunately, this plan has completely failed. In 2015, the PiS (Law and Justice Party) took power. After a few months, the LNG terminal was completed and the Baltic Pipe project was put into operation for the third time. Today, it is almost finished. Had it not been for the war outbreak in Ukraine that was like cold water dashed on western heads, the PiS probably would have had a greater problem with taking power.


In this sequence of events, the death of Lech Kaczyński is an obvious event, an important element of the invasion of the Russian Empire. He has disrupted Russia in Georgia, disrupted Europe’s dependence on Russian gas. We know what he would do in the event of an attack on Ukraine. Meanwhile, the government with Tusk as a Prime Minister was under Putin’s thumb and imperturbably listened to the proposal of fragmentation of Ukraine.


Putin had to kill Lech Kaczyński to remove the obstacle – Poland. Basically, Zelensky spoke about this during the National Assembly. He said this very reluctantly because he was aware that certain parts of the political world in Poland were involved in supporting that policy though he said it. The silence of the opposition showed that they understood it anyway. It is impossible to say why war broke out in Ukraine without telling the truth about Smoleńsk. That is why the case of Smoleńsk will come back now, so as to prevent Putin from blackmailing his accessories in Warsaw and Berlin.

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