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Jazz concert on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of Radio Free Europe’s Polish Service

For more than 40 years, the Polish radio station Radio Free Europe has been a tool for combating propaganda, correcting falsehoods, presenting the historical truth and providing full information about what is happening in Poland and the world.

The 70th anniversary is an excellent opportunity to review the history of Munich Radio and to learn about a place of iconic status – the headquarters of the editorial office – which is considered a stronghold of editorial journalism.


To mark the occasion, a jazz concert with music by Zbigniew Seifert and the Polish jazz musician Leszek Żądło and Adam Pierończyk took place at the Künstlerhaus in Munich on 3 May at 7:00 p.m. Seifert, who lived among other things in Munich, was one of the most original Polish jazz musicians. His playing style, which was based on the virtuoso violin technique, was exceptionally expressive.



70th-anniversary celebrations of Radio Free Europe’s Polish Service in Munich are part of the ‘Fokus auf Polen’ programme implemented by the Adam Mickiewicz Institute.




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