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    “Yes, we care! Life ambulance for Ukraine.” Unique fundraiser for ambulances for Ukraine

    A bloody war has been raging on Poland’s eastern border since February 24. We are witnessing unprecedented aggression against the civilian population – against women, children, and the elderly. Ukrainian citizens risk their lives every day if they stay in their country. Many of them are injured.

    Doctors and medical staff are also in a dramatic situation, unable to provide professional help to those in need. There is a lack of drugs, medical equipment and ambulances. Doctors from Ukraine are calling for help.


    “The situation in Ukraine is very difficult, we are facing a serious humanitarian crisis. We cannot remain indifferent!” Jakub Kiersnowski, president of the Club of Catholic Intelligentsia (KIK), appeals.


    “Ukraine must fight off the aggression of Russia and at the same time treat the wounded and take care of the refugees on its territory. It urgently needs our help,” Anna Dobrowolska-Górska, the initiator and coordinator of the “YES WE CARE” campaign of KIK, adds.


    Every zloty, euro and dollar have an incredible strength today – they save lives!


    To support the collection of donations for the purchase of ambulances for Ukrainian doctors, visit the official website ➡️


    “We still find it hard to believe that there is a war on the other side of our eastern border. Bloody, brutal, ruthless. We see pictures that remind us of pictures from the Second World War in Poland, Warsaw. The urge to help is natural and good. As a doctor, I cannot imagine how frightening it must be when my colleagues in Ukraine are prevented from helping the sick or injured by the lack of medicines and equipment. That is why I am committed to supporting the campaign >>YES, WE CARE! – Life ambulance for Ukraine!<<," Professor Janusz Heitzman, director of the Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology, emphasizes.


    “YES, WE CARE! Life ambulance for Ukraine” is a campaign to raise money and purchase ambulances for doctors in Ukraine. The campaign is being implemented by a non-governmental organization, the Club of Catholic Intelligentsia (KIK).


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