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Pole with a narwhal tusk

Yesterday’s top story in Poland is about “who is Łukasz” and how to use a narwhal tusk. It transpires that one of the three bystanders who fought a terrorist on London Bridge is a Polish national named Łukasz. Seeing the danger he took the narwhal tusk from a wall in the Fishmongers’ Hall and used is as a pike to fight the terrorist, who was later shot dead by police.

The man who stabbed several people in London causing two deaths was Usman Khan, a convicted terrorist.  After a street fight he was was shot dead by police on Friday afternoon. Khan was in prison for plotting to bomb the London Stock Exchange in 2012. He was connected to Al-Muhajiroun (ALM) terrorists and on his mobile phone police found Anjem Choudary’s private number.
Khan had been attending a seminar in the Fishmongers’ Hall, run by Cambridge University’s Criminology Department, to help offenders reintegrate into society following their release from jail. The first person he murdered was 25 year old Jack Merritt, a course coordinator. At the time Khan was wearing a fake suicide vest and threatened to blow up the building. Later he ran out onto the bridge. In one of the Fishmongers’ Hall restaurants a Polish immigrant named Lukasz was working as a chef. He grabbed a narwhal tusk hanging on the wall and chased the murderer to London Bridge. Łukasz was stabbed but it did not stop him from “giving the attacker a beating” with the narwhal tusk. One other defender took a fire extinguisher and third lad fought with his bare hands.

Queen Elizabeth sent her sympathies to those affected by the attack and praised those who intervened to thwart the assailant.
“I express my enduring thanks to the police and emergency services, as well as the brave individuals who put their own lives at risk to selflessly help and protect others,” she said.
Polish minister of Justice Zbigniew Ziobro asked president Andrzej Duda to award a medal to chef Łukasz.
The British public greeted the news with awe and a typical sense of humour: who do these foreigners think they are, coming over here, saving our lives, and being heroes


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