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Senioralia in Łódź started – 2 weeks of fun including 450 events!

The main goal of the Lodz Senioralia which has been organized since 2014 is to encourage people aged over 60 years to have an active lifestyle, expand their knowledge, develop their passions, and show places where they can do it.

The program consists of events divided into 5 categories: education, culture, sport/recreation, advice/open doors, and health. The program of this year’s edition includes, among others, lectures, trips, workshops, computer classes, cultural events, and many other events throughout the city. All of them are available for seniors and we encourage them to take part in these exciting activities!


For example, today the participants have been discovering the secrets of the film world of sounds and how it functions. The workshops have been organized in a professionally equipped museum sound studio.

The full information regarding the agenda can be downloaded

Od jutra w @Miasto_Lodz rządzą #seniorzy ? VIII ŁÓDZKIE SENIORALIA ?

Przed nami dwa tygodnie pełne atrakcji
✅ zajęcia sportowe
✅ warsztaty
✅ wycieczki
✅ seanse filmowe
✅ imprezy plenerowe

więcej na:

— MOSiR Łódź (@MOSiR_Lodz) May 20, 2022




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