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Artists from 30 countries created one exhibition

On June 20th will take place the opening of the exhibition “Woman in Poster.” It’s a project for which almost 100 artists from 30 countries made paintings and graphics displaying their vision of womanhood. The artworks are divided into three parts that will be presented from June to October 2022. It’s organized by the University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow and China Europe International Design Culture Association.

The idea for the project came from Patrycja Longawa, the prorector of the Media and Social Communication Collegium at the University in Rzeszow. She noticed that women are very often the muses and subjects of art, but are usually portrayed while conforming to typical gender roles such as mother, caretaker or lover. She wanted to challenge her students to show something divergent from that. The name “Woman in Poster” comes from the form of the artworks, resembling posters.

Artists whose works participate in the exhibition come from different parts of the world, including China, Japan, Azerbaijan, Ecuador, Mexico, Turkey, Ukraine and Poland. The artworks are divided into three parts, displayed: June 20th-July 9th – part one, July 11th –July 30th – part 2, September 1st-October 31st – part three. All of them will be exhibited at the Center of Tourism and Recreation at Kielnerowa.


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