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Winners of the 24th Polish Product of the Future competition selected

The Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP) and the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR), together with representatives of the jury of the Polish Product of the Future competition, presented awards and distinctions to the most innovative Polish products and technologies. The main prizes for their projects – and thus the title of the Polish Product of the Future – went to Poznan University of Technology and Nanoseen sp. z o.o.

On 5 July, awards and distinctions were presented for the 24th time in the competition organised by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP) and the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR). Projects submitted to the competition were assessed by industry experts and the Competition Jury, which included representatives of the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland, the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Development and Technology, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland, the Polish Development Fund, the Industrial Development Agency, the Federation of Associations of Science and Technology – Polish Federation of Engineering Associations, the Warsaw University of Technology, the University of Warsaw, as well as NCBR and PARP.


The President of PARP, in welcoming all the guests, congratulated the winners and pointed out how important role innovation plays in development. 


“The Polish Product of the Future competition has been promoting and supporting the development of innovative products and technologies developed in our country for 24 years. This year, 163 innovative projects, developed by Polish companies and scientists, were submitted for the competition. This is very encouraging, as we are aware that innovation is the driving force of the economy,” Dariusz Budrowski, President of the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP) said. 


“In the history of the competition, we have awarded a total of 214 prizes and distinctions to Polish companies and scientific institutions that have developed the most innovative solutions. Innovations created on the basis of knowledge and research and development activity, based on solid foundations, give us the basis to look boldly into the future,” Budrowski added.


The winners of the Polish Product of the Future competition are the authors of the most innovative Polish products and technologies with global potential. Participants, as every year, competed for prizes in three categories: Product of the Future of Entrepreneur, Product of the Future of Higher Education and Science Institutions and Joint Product of the Future of Higher Education and Science Institutions and Entrepreneur.


The competition is financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund, as part of the resources of the Smart Growth Operational Programme (Sub-measure 2.4.1 Centre for analysis and pilotage of new instruments inno_LAB).


Projects awarded and honoured in the competition are included in the Catalogue of Winners of the XXIV edition of the Competition

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