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Easy 5 steps recipe for Polish “Prażuchy”, or in other words, “Dumplings beaten with a wooden pestle”

Polish “Prażuchy”, or in other words, “Dumplings beaten with wooden pestle” is a traditional Polish dish made from potatoes combined with toasted flour. The name of the dish comes from the Polish word ‘prażyć’ (English: to toast). Another popular name of these delicious dumplings is “Kluchy połom bite” (English: “Dumplings beaten with a wooden pestle”). This old recipe passed down from generation to generation was entered on the list of traditional products on June 17, 2011 in the category including Traditional Silesian Dishes.

The dish comes from Podlesice, and the recipe has been passed down from generation to generation. Before World War II, it was a well-known dish prepared by all housewives in the Podlesice village. Depending on the season or family status, these dumplings were either a festive or a common dish with different toppings. Currently, the dish is based on old recipes and all residents of the Kroczyce borough know it. Additionally, they are used to promote their region.

In other regions of Poland, the varieties of the dish are known by different names, such as “Prażuchy” or “Fuszer”. It could be said that the differences between those varieties are minor, for example, instead of irregular forms “Prażuchy” take the shape of a plate.

The dough should not include any lumps, it needs to be completely smooth. Its colour depends on the kind of used potatoes, it could be more or less yellowish. Toasting flower is a process when you toast it on the stovetop, in the oven, or in the microwave until the flour becomes golden brown and the raw flour taste is gone. 


– 7 medium potatoes, appr. 2 pounds  (try to avoid using new potaotes)
– 3 heaped tablespoons of wheat flour
– bacon or pork rinds
– salt


1. Rinse the peeled potatoes and cut them into quarters. Put into a pot, add water and salt. Bring to a boil and cook for 8-10 minutes.
2. Strain the potatoes but remember to save about a glass of boiled water.
3. Sprinkle the potatoes with flour, cover and cook over medium heat in the saved glass of water until tender (about 10 minutes).
4. Drain off the remaining water, be careful not to spill the flour with it. Beat the potatoes until a smooth dough.
5. Use a spoon moistened with fat (preferably from bacon/pork rinds) to form irregular dumplings.

Serve with  bacon or pork rinds and pickled cucumber. Enjoy!

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