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Polish Cup Drone Racing in Cracow

Today, on August 28, the third and the last competition of the Polish Cup Drone Racing 2022 series takes place in Cracow. In addition to the final competition of pilots, the participants can have fun in the so-called education zone and try a drone simulator. The drone specialists tell about the qualifications to fly a drone legally and safely in the education zone. However, when it comes to flying methods, various types of drones are presented in urban spaces. Also, thanks to the drone simulator, it is possible to see how to fly various aircraft with the help of special control equipment. It is worth mentioning that a drone simulator is the first step toward flying a real drone.

The event is organised by World Drone Pilot Organization (WDPO):

World Drone Pilot Organization (WDPO) is a NON-PROFIT organization estabil to represent drone pilots and drone operators. WDPO holds FAI and Polish Aeroklub license to organize Drone Racing competitions , WDPO is also designated bythe Civil Aviation Authority for testing. The main goal of WDPO is disseminate and promote the advantages ofmodern technologie, to support dronesports, to increase safety in the use ofunmanned aerial vehicles, to support thedevelopment oftechnology, invention andinnovation, and to disseminate andimplement new technological solutionsincommercial practice, to support victims ofdisasters, natural disasters, armedconflicts, etc. Conflicts and wars at home and abroad. (

According to, at the moment, the leader of the Polish Drone Racing 2022 Cup is Filip Kubiak. Filip has been interested in the drone industry for 9 years, including racing drones for 4 years. He has already achieved such successes as first place in the WRL 2020 league and second place in SDRL Velo OPEN Spec PL – Finals S1. In competitions, he flies with homemade drones, which are improved according to individual, private projects!

However, we cannot forget about the other competitors. Antoni Daczka and Kosma Skajewski are also on the top of the list. The point difference between the players is really small. Therefore, the public can expect great emotions today!

The current scores:

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During the competition, the participants will stand on the podium twice. The winner of the today’s competition will be selected, as well as the winner of the entire series on the basis of the scored points. The winner of Polish Cup Drone Racing will be awarded a golden ball, funded by the Partner of the event, the center.

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