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Another attack by eco-terrorists

Only luck saved a forester in the Cisna Forestry District from serious injury when he hit a nail in a tree with his saw. This is the second such attack by eco-terrorists in Bieszczady in recent weeks. In turn, on the social media of the Wild Resistance organization (Polish: Dziki Ruch Oporu), unlawful menaces have been made against employees of the State Forests. There is an announcement of harassment of their families and children and invading their homes. The police and prosecutor’s office have been notified.

During forestry work in Smerek Forestry in the Cisna Forestry District, a forestry worker came across a piece of metal stuck in a tree with a saw. The metal fragments could have seriously injured the people working around. After checking the surrounding trees with metal detectors, foresters found four more fir trees with nails stuck in them. Some had the metal hammered in high up, endangering the health and even the lives of the carpenters working at the sawmill, if such a tree come to them.



A similar incident took place a few weeks ago in the Lutowiska Forestry District. There, however, it was possible to discover the hammered nails before forestry work began.


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On the other hand, on the popular social network on the online account of the Wild Resistance organization (Polish: Dziki Ruch Oporu), there were posts with unlawful menaces against employees of the State Forests. There was an announcement to harass the foresters’ families, and their children and also to stalk them in their homes.


The police and the public prosecutor’s office were notified of another attempted assault and unlawful menace.


“The aggression of the pseudo-environmentalists is already directly threatening the health and life of the foresters. The escalation of their criminal actions is also the result of the condoning of such behaviour by official environmental organisations, which have already not only spread untrue or manipulated information about the activities of the State Forests but have also started to violate the law themselves. A few days ago, Greenpeace spokesman Marek Józefiak publicly suggested that foresters were behind the bandit attack on protesting environmentalists, and then the organisation officially stated that the spokesman’s words expressed its position,” State Forest spokesman Michał Gzowski stresses.


Activists have now started to massively spread false information that the State Forests export harvested wood to China – this is not true. The State Forests do not export wood. It is also untrue that under the current government a ‘massive logging’ has started – in fact only a proportion of the annual growth is harvested, with the result that the forest area is increasing year on year. And the volume of harvesting in each forestry district is strictly set in 10-year plans based on scientific studies approved by the ministry. Moreover, many of the plans still in force were approved back in the days of previous governments.


“A planned hybrid action seems to have been launched against the State Forests to impose on Polish public opinion that foresters, who after all have been guarding our forests for almost a century, are a threat to Polish nature and that State Forests should be liquidated. The Polish-language media and popular social networks are being used for this. This is because the State Forests have made no secret of their opposition to the EU’s plans to introduce the “Ready for 55″ climate package, which is disastrous for the Polish economy and will result, among other things, in the collapse of the timber industry, unemployment for almost half a million people and a ban on entering every tenth forest in Poland. We say no to this, which is why we have become enemy number one for international environmental organisations,” Michał Gzowski points out.


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