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Morawiecki claims Poland & NATO are ready for the worst scenarios concerning the war in Ukraine

Poland and NATO are prepared for all possible scenarios when it comes to threats from the East, Mateusz Morawiecki, the Polish prime minister, has said.

On Monday, Morawiecki along with Defence Minister Mariusz Blaszczak and US Ambassador Mark Brzezinski visited the 32nd Tactical Air Base in Lask, central Poland, where they met with Polish and American F-16 and F-22 fighter pilots participating in the NATO Air Shielding mission over the Alliance’s eastern flank.


“We are prepared for all scenarios and the increased presence of American troops, our very frequent contacts between President Duda and President Biden, mine, and Mr. (Deputy – PAP) Prime Minister Mariusz Blaszczak’s with our counterparts in the United States are testimony to this,” he said during a press conference in Lask.


The prime minister said that all the scenarios include the worst possible outcomes as well.


“Let’s put aside all naivety, foolishness, lack of imagination… today we are focusing on strengthening the army to create conditions for the defence not only of Poland, but also of our allies in cooperation with our most powerful allies, and above all with the United States.”


“I agree with the prime minister, we are prepared for every eventuality,” concurred Brzezinski and added that NATO’s “military apparatus and management control capabilities” were “synchronized”.


“We are well organised, well equipped and trained, and we demonstrate interoperability,” Brzezinski continued, pointing to the unique technological capabilities of US F-22 fighters and citing the opinion of the General Commander of NATO forces in Europe, Gen. Darryl Williams.


NATO Air Shielding is a mission designed to increase protection against air threats for the eastern member states by building a defensive shield from the Baltic states to the Black Sea.



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