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Nuclear power to constitute up to 35 pct of the energy mix

Nuclear power will ultimately make up 30-35 per cent of Poland’s energy mix while the rest will mostly come from renewable energy sources, the development and technology minister said.

Waldemar Buda told the Republika TV station on Tuesday that “in 10-12 years our energy mix will look completely different from today.”


“A nuclear power plant will form the basis of the energy mix… and nuclear power will constitute 30-35 per cent,” he said, adding that it is “the most stable and cheapest” source of energy.


Buda added that renewables, “the cheapest sources of energy,” will form “a large part” of Poland’s energy mix, and that “this is our target model.”


“If we are talking about the perspective of 10-15 years, we have to be sure that no external crises, such as the energy resources crises today, will disturb the market to the extent that the prices will rise four times… as happened during the summer holidays.”


According to Buda, the construction of a nuclear power plant in Poland “is a huge undertaking that serves us greatly economically.”


He added that 70 per cent of the work on the plant will be done by Polish companies.


Last week, the Polish government approved a resolution on building large-scale nuclear power plants in Poland confirming the selection of Westinghouse as the technology provider for the first Polish nuclear power plant, with an AP1000 reactor.


The first reactor should start working in 2033, generating some 1-1.6 GW of power. Subsequent reactors would be constructed every two years. 

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