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The long-awaited 4.65-hectare Polish eagle made from nearly 100,000 trees

The long-awaited 4.65-hectare Polish eagle made from nearly 100,000 trees in 2018 can be admired from the air now.

In 2018, a forest destroyed by hurricane winds was replanted by Gdańsk scouts of the Polish Scouting and Guiding Association (ZHP) into the shape of a huge Polish eagle to celebrate 100 years of Polish independence. As many as 3,000 people participated in the joint planting, including 1,200 scouts and 190 foresters.

The background of the emblem includes 67 thousand pines. The Eagle is made up of 23 thousand birches and 400 larches (visible in the claws and the crown parts).

“The dendroglyph will be created in accordance with the principles of forestry, thanks to the appropriate selection of species to the habitat conditions of this place. The body of the eagle will be filled with a birch surrounded by pine trees. In spring, against the background of pine green, it will be distinguished by bright, fresh green leaves, which in summer will become more intense and deeper. In the autumn, for about 2-3 weeks, he will be “golden”. In late autumn, throughout the winter and early spring, the colours of the eagle body will be given by the white trunks of trees against the background of the forest ground. Of course, all this will be visible from the air – when the planted trees grow and create a young forest”, this is what Jerzy Krefft, the press spokesman of the Regional Directorate of State Forests in Gdańsk, told about the project in 2018.

Four years after planting the trees, the first effects are visible. The yellow birch trees revealed the outline of the dendroglyph. Year by year, when the crowns of young trees will touch each other, the visibility of the eagle will also be more and more precise.

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