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Scare again Polexit

According to the opinion of the Polish Supreme Court the proposed wording of the draft bill prepared by Law and Justice on the structure of common courts, constitutes the “end of judicial self-government” and “closes the mouths of judges”. According to the spokesman of the Supreme Court, judge Stanisław Laskowski, the Law and Justice draft does not comply with European law. Politicians from the Civic Coalition are going even further, claiming that the draft may lead to the withdrawal of EU funds from Poland, and are even suggesting this might bring about a Polexit. Yesterday , the prime minister, Mateusz Morawiecki, spoke about this conflict over the proposed law on the structure of the common courts.

 ”The Law and Justice party, again and again, this time by proposing the Polish courts assasination bill, is trying to protect their members from criminal responsibility for their actions. Prime Minister Morawiecki is afraid that sooner or later, the Law and Justice politicians will face the criminal court. Prime Minister Morawiecki is acting against the Polish state. I am not afraid to use these strong words, because what we are witnessing in the Polish parliament, might result in stripping away the EU funds”- says borys Budka, Civic Platform MP.

 ”Let’s think about it, is there a serious country, for example in Western Europe, which would allow for a situation in which some judges would contest the right of other judges to carry out the sentencing and to make other decisions. What kind of conditions would such a situation produce?
This situation would cause chaos in the judiciary system and, of course, no serious country would allow for such things to happen”- says Mateusz Morawiecki, Prime Minister of Poland.


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