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Christmas Eve story

The 10th Christmas Eve for the homeless took place yesterday at the Kamienica Theatre in Warsaw. The director of the theatre Emilian Kamiński goes out of his way to bring Christmas joy to those who don’t have a roof over their head.

More than 200 people gathered at the main hall of the Warsaw theatre, where they had the unique chance to experience Christmas atmosphere, eat a warm meal, exchange wishes and sing carols.

“Every bird makes a nest, so it’s in human nature as well to have a home. A life without a home is something I cannot accept. Every man should have a home, so we’re trying to guide these people, so they could escape their homelessness”- says Emilian Kamiński, founder of The Atut Foundation and Kamienica Theatre.

Christmas meals were handed out by City Guards, led by senior inspector Alfred Paplak nicknamed “the angel of the homeless”. Food packages were also given away.

 “We’ve known a lot of them for years. There are many positive cases of people who seize to be homeless, who find jobs, get married. We always say: don’t give up, it’s possible, search for the right way!- says Justyna Sieńczyłło, actress.

For the homeless, this day was very special. Thanks to Emilian Kamiński they could feel the Christmas spirit and family warmth, which they so rarely have in everyday life.


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