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Indonesia flooded

The capital of Indonesia, Djakarta, was flooded. In the aftermath of heavy rains, at least 21 people were killed. A large part of the metropolis, with over 10 million inhabitants, found itself under water. Over 30,000 people were evacuated from the affected area.

 ”Emergency services continue to provide assistance, food and medicine. We are pleased that the conditions are improving quickly. We hope that the flood water will settle down. Currently, 478 pumps are operating at full capacity. In the long term, we plan to take comprehensive measures, build dams and retention reservoirs that will stop flood waves, but the pace of work depends on the central government”- says Anies Baswedan, Mayor of Jakarta.


 ”It is getting worse compared to previous floods. The attempt to regulate and build embankments has come to a standstill, as the Indonesian government suspended its work in 2017, and temporary canals are not very efficient and do not drain as much water as needed. That is why we now have a replay of the great flood of 2007”- says Alung, resident of Jakarta.


The rainy season in Indonesia, which started in November, is underway. The downpours are so intense that the riverbanks burst and quickly flooded thousands of houses. In many places in Jakarta, the water level on the streets exceeds 2.5 meters. Photos from some parts of the city showed people who took shelter on the upper floors of buildings and the roofs alongside their belongings. The supply of electricity has been suspended in most districts. The power supply company announced that it has decided to cut off power to prevent electrocution. The most common causes of death for the flood victims are drowning and electric shock.


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