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4.4 million pilgrims in Jasna Góra in 2019

4 million 400 thousand pilgrims visited Jasna Góra in 2019. It is 100 thousand more than a year ago, the press office of the monastery reported. According to statistics, the number of pilgrims who come to Częstochowa on foot is increasing.

In 2019 over 752 thousand people took part in 190 national pilgrimages to Jasna Góra. The most numerous pilgrimages are: Family of “Radio Maryja”, motorcyclists, pilgrimage Renewal in the Holy Spirit, anonymous alcoholics, farmers, Pilgrimage of Work People, the Living Rosary Circle and the School of John Paul II. As many as 300 pilgrimage pilgrims came to Jasna Góra, in which 133 thousand people participated. “It is worth to note that the sanctuary also visited: over 11 thousand people on bicycle pilgrimages, 413 people on cross-country pilgrimages, 25 uhlans in horse pilgrimages and 181 people on roller skates “- the Jasna Góra Press Office reported.

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