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    In defense of ABP Jędraszewski

    After the statement of Archbishop Marek Jędraszewski, the metropolitan of Krakow, about the ideology of ecology, which was broadcast by TV Republika, the hierarch became the target of brutal attacks from the Left and many celebrities. Attacks that have nothing to do with matter-of-fact criticism have all the characteristics of a personal hunt.

     ”The attack on Archbishop Jędraszewski is irrational. The bishop presents the full extent of the church’s teaching on ecology – he calls for love for nature, care for the environment, for living in harmony with nature – but he also reminds that nature is to serve humans and that we should use nature so that not to destroy and leave it to our successors in the state in which we found it or better. At the same time, the bishop wanted to say that making ecology into a religion, philosophy or para-religious phenomena is a very bad path that not only destroys us, but also hinders the protection of nature. For example, when environmentalists protected bark beetles and in turn destroyed the Białowieża Forest, this was probably the most drastic example of the folly of the phenomenon, which can be called ecologicalism”- says Tomasz Sakiewicz, editor-in-chief of ”Gazeta Polska”.

     ”I think that in the case of the bishop’s statement we are dealing with the voice of the church, which is clear and thus indicates actual threats to the church or our civilization and culture. For this reason, the Archbishop is under attack, his statements are distorted, and he is credited with quotes he never said. It is natural for a man who stands so firmly on the side of truth”- says Paweł Lisicki, editor-in-chief of ”Do rzeczy”.


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