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    Polish search and rescue workers depart for Turkey as number of fatalities climb due to earthquake

    A Polish search and rescue team is being dispatched to Turkey to provide assistance in the wake of the tremendous earthquake that hit the nation on Monday morning.

    This is projected to be among the most difficult tasks the group has ever had to face. Speculations are already pointing to a high death toll, with the number of casualties has already risen to 1,500 by Monday afternoon.

    Poland has declared that it is sending a 76-member team to the country to assist in this time of crisis.

    Grzegorz Borowiec, the leader of the team, declared that their journey to the disaster site is likely to be the most difficult mission they have undertaken so far.

    He mentioned that it is expected to last for a week, the maximum time allocated for search and rescue activities. Additionally, he mentioned that the low temperatures, especially during the night, will diminish the odds of survival for people buried under the wreckage.

    76 firefighters and 8 search and rescue dogs, plus 5 personnel from the Humanitarian and Medical Assistance Team (HUSAR), are accompanying the group.

    At a press conference, Maciej Wąsik, the Deputy Minister of the Interior, stated that the aim was to rescue those who were entombed in the wreckage.

    He also praised the prompt and successful organization of the Polish mission, noting that the rescuers came equipped with their own resources such as heavy machinery, tents, sleeping cots, and food.

    Brigadier General Andrzej Bartkowiak, the head of the State Fire Service, expressed his admiration for the speed with which the Polish team reacted.


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