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    Anti-communist opposition activists’ letter to Bodnar: They demand the release of Wąsik and Kamiński

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    Anti-communist opposition activists have written to Bodnar. They demand the release of Wąsik and Kamiński

    Anti-communist opposition activists have written an open letter to Adam Bodnar in defence of Maciej Wąsik and Mariusz Kamiński. They demand their release from prison in connection with the pardon procedure initiated by the President of Poland.

    “We, the undersigned anti-communist opposition activists, strongly oppose the imprisonment of MPs Mariusz Kamiński and Maciej Wąsik, who, as the founders and heads of the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau, contributed to the cleansing of our state from corruption and the restoration of its high standards. We do not agree that human rights are being violated and political prisoners appear in Poland, a country we fought for. We also do not agree with the trampling of the legal order and ignoring the applicable laws such as the President of the Republic of Poland’s right of clemency, his exclusive prerogative, applied to the two imprisoned MPs,” the oppositionists wrote.

    “In view of the initiation of the pardon procedure by the President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda, we join his call for the immediate suspension of the execution of the sentence for the duration of this procedure and demand that it be carried out as soon as possible. In view of the hunger protest which imprisoned MPs Mariusz Kamiński and Maciej Wąsik have been conducting for several days, time is of the essence here for their health and even life,” they pointed out in the letter.

    “In Poland, we want neither political prisoners nor the victims, of whom the Communist regime had so many on its conscience, so we call for the immediate release of the imprisoned parliamentarians. Keeping them in prison, especially in the context of the pardon procedure which has begun, will be evidence not only of political revenge, but also of physical and psychological repression. There will never be our consent to the return of such repression. We fought for a free, democratic Poland and we want it to remain so,” they concluded.

    The letter was signed by: Piotr Łukasz Andrzejewski, Adam Borowski, Maria Dłużewska, Stanisław Fudakowski, Anna Fotyga, Wiesław Johann, Urszula Sikorska-Kelus, Jan Krzysztof Kelus, Ewa Kubasiewicz, Maciej Łopiński, Antoni Macierewicz, Witold Marczuk, Antoni Mężydło, Andrzej Michałowski, Bogusław Nizieński, Piotr Naimski, Czesław Nowak, Andrzej Leon Osipów, Janusz Pałubicki, Zofia Romaszewska, Bronisław Wildstein, Krzysztof Wyszkowski.


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