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    Public television removes Catholic program and apologizes to LGBT

    Illegally taken over by the government, public television TVP has removed the Catholic program „Okiem wiary” (In the Eye of Faith). The program presented the most important facts about the Church in Poland and around the world every week.

    At the same time activists from the LGBT+ community were invited to the TVP Info program „Gość wieczoru” (Guest of the Evening) and a journalist emotionally apologized to homosexual individuals for „shameful words that have been spoken against many people, just because they have decided to determine for themselves who they are and who they love”.

    Wrocław: A Rising Hub of Diversity, Culture, and Startups

    Wrocław is rapidly becoming a European hotspot for innovation, diversity, and culture, combining business with vibrant cultural life. Wrocław: City of Synergy and Creativity Known as...