“I had a meeting today with sports federations. This is yet another area of life in Poland that the Civic Coalition and Donald Tusk’s government are ruthlessly trying to take control of,” wrote Polish President Andrzej Duda in a post published on the X platform.
Miałem dziś spotkanie ze związkami sportowymi. To kolejny obszar życia w Polsce, który Koalicja Obywatelska i rząd D. Tuska próbują sobie bezwzględnie podporządkować. Nie uznają żadnej niezależności i samorządności. Wygląda na to, że w polskich organizacjach sportowych ma nie być…
— Andrzej Duda (@AndrzejDuda) February 28, 2025
President Duda’s meeting with sports federations
President Andrzej Duda held a meeting with representatives of sports federations. After the discussions, he published a post on the X platform.
“I had a meeting today with sports federations. This is yet another area of life in Poland that the Civic Coalition and Donald Tusk’s government are ruthlessly trying to take control of,” the president stated.
“They do not recognize any independence”
He added that the representatives of the December 13 coalition government “do not recognize any independence or self-governance.”
“It seems that in Polish sports organizations, there will be no place for those who do not want to follow the political will of the current coalition,” he concluded.