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Personal benefit for… a political party? Former Prime Minister to Lt. Col. Maksjan: “Man, all you were missing was…”

PiS MP Mariusz Błaszczak was charged by the prosecutor’s office today. The case revolves around the declassification and subsequent public disclosure, in September 2023, of part of the “Warta” operational plan for the Polish Armed Forces by Błaszczak in his capacity as Minister of National Defense. At the time, he used the document to accuse PO (Civic Platform) politicians of having planned, during their tenure in office, to defend the country along the Vistula River in the event of an invasion—effectively surrendering half the country to the aggressor.

Appearing before the prosecutor’s office today, we learned that although the Minister of National Defense does have the authority to declassify documents labeled “secret” or “top secret,” there are exceptions. In this particular instance, Błaszczak was charged over that decision.

Prosecutor Lt. Col. Marcin Maksjan explained the charges against MP Błaszczak:

“He exceeded his authority, and it was in order to obtain a personal benefit. In the prosecutor’s assessment, that personal benefit was in fact a benefit for his political party. Remember, these materials were disclosed in the final month of the campaign before the parliamentary elections. And in the prosecutor’s view, that was done to achieve personal gain for the political formation.”
Former Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki responded to these remarks:

“Man, all you were missing was a Soviet uniform and a cap with a red star. We’ll be back, and you will pay for your EVIL,” the PiS politician wrote.

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