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    The most unsuccessful dinner of your life. “Shitty Dinner” has reached Poland

    On the one hand – a clumsy waiter and toilet paper instead of napkins, on the other – excellent food. That’s not an opinion about a weird restaurant. It is only a substitute for the script of the absurd and funny Shitty Dinners, which has finally reached Poland. Advance sales began on 1 April and the premiere is in June 2022.

    The Shitty Dinner is a combination of comedy improvisation and excellent food. During such an evening you will meet the most honest waiters and chefs in the restaurant, who will not hide anything from the guests. You never know what’s going to happen. Of course, the dinner will be perfect and the food also, but the whole cloak of it will be preceded by a big laugh.


    The advance sale of the comic dinner begins symbolically with April Fool’s Day, and the premiere is already planned for June 2022.


    “The preparation and implementation of this extraordinary project took several months. Vision, script, actor, props – all with attention bearing even details in mind,” says Ewelina Kaźmierczak, project specialist at the Wyjątkowy Prezent company (Extraordinary Gift company – editor’s note). “However, I am pleased to announce that we are almost ready to present one of the most anticipated gastronomic experiences in Poland,” she adds.


    The event of Lithuanian origin


    Isn’t Shitty Dinner rivetingly? Not only a special gift promises that such a dinner can amuse, but also surprise.


    The idea for the most absurd dinner came from Lithuania, where an evening in a restaurant when nothing goes according to plan, should be a thankful theme for jokes and fun – not only for the guests of the dinner but also for the actors who embody the service. Shitty Dinner has become one of the most popular themed dinners in Lithuania and Latvia, alongside Dinner in the Dark. Now it is possible to “get to know” them in Poland.


    “The development of Shitty Dinners in Poland began in June 2021. We managed to find the perfect restaurant for such a dinner in terms of delicious food, not just the arrangement of the room. Later, work began on the script and the search for actors, which was the most important part of the project. In total, we held 6 auditions in which several dozen candidates took part – I am sure we selected the best of them, who are up to the challenge and will be in fits,” Ewelina Kaźmierczak says.


    “The combination of comedy improvisation and excellent food was a great success. In Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland, more than 6000 people have already enjoyed dinner. Despite the pandemic, interest in dinner continues to grow. I think it’s happening because it’s an opportunity to have a cool evening that people of different ages can enjoy,” says Marcin Rumiński, Head of the Division of Product and House Brand of Wyjątkowy Prezent.


    Team “Pearls”


    Guests of the dinner are at the centre of the comedy performance, which takes place live in front of their eyes.


    Chef Tomir, waitress Dżesika and waiter Maciuś are responsible for a successful evening. The boss of Shitty Dinner, Tomir, is a very nervous man. He regrets the whole world that he didn’t take part in a popular cooking show due to a wrist injury and therefore didn’t have a great career. Sometimes he screams and “helps himself to” alcohol, but the food he makes is usually perfect.


    The waitress Dżesika looks like a crocodile. She has small hands for work, but a huge face to entertain guests with conversations, gossip and to ensure a better future… for herself. She doesn’t care about other people


    The waiter Maciuś has a heart of gold and always tries to be a perfectionist. However, he suffers from the rare disease – “severe clumsiness.” It successfully prevents him from being a good waiter. For lack of better offers, he ended up at the Shitty Dinner. He took part in numerous music competitions, unsuccessfully.


    Dishes worth Michelin stars


    A gourmet restaurant for about 2 hours becomes a restaurant struggling for survival. The chef and his team will do everything they can to make sure the restaurant doesn’t go bankrupt. Everything they do will go wrong. Only one thing will be perfect – 3-course dinner with a glass of wine will be the most successful thing of the evening. The starter, main course and dessert are specially prepared for this occasion and a glass of wine is specially selected with the dishes. The price of the dinner also includes drinks, and the dinner is available in three variants – meat, vegetarian or fish.


    Non-random location


    The Shitty Dinner takes place in the Ukryte Rzeki (Hidden Rivers – editor’s note) restaurant in Łódź, which specialises in fusion cuisine. For two hours, this elegant restaurant turns into a place that struggles to survive. The combination of improvised comedy, excellent food and original restaurant guarantees an eventful evening.

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