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Polish mountain and medical rescuers are flying to Georgia

Polish mountain rescuers and medical rescuers will fly from Krakow to Georgia on Saturday, where they will set up a base and an infirmary at the foot of the five-thousand-meter mountain - Kazbek. There, they will be on duty until September, assisting tourists in need and taking part in search and rescue operations.

Puda on an act important for farmers: It is to restore dignity

The draft law on the family farm is to restore the dignity of a farmer and dignity to family farms. Its main goal is to support small and medium-sized farms, said Minister of Agriculture Grzegorz Puda on Saturday at the debate "Polish Deal. From Farm to Fork" in Balice.

Polish general to take up a position in the NATO command

Gen. Robert Głąb will take the position of Deputy Chief of Staff for Resource Management in Allied Transformation Command in Norfolk, the Ministry of Defense informed. General was appointed to this position by the head of the Ministry of National Defense, Mariusz Błaszczak.

Prime minister Morawiecki criticises president Biden in a Newsweek interview

Newsweek Opinion Editor Josh Hammer and Polish-American journalist Matthew Tyrmand sat down in Warsaw with Polish Prime Minister Morawiecki who criticised both the Biden administration's 180-degree turn on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which will transport natural gas from Russia into the heart of the EU, and White House energy policy to date.

Solidarity trade union blocks the streets of Warsaw in protest

The Solidarity trade union blocked the streets of Warsaw today. Employees of state owned energy producers are concerned about the future of their professions. They are complaining about the lack of dialogue in the fuel and energy sector, especially in the energy and lignite industries. They are motivated by violations of labor and trade union rights, the fear of losing a large number of jobs due to the transformation of the entire energy sector, and the expectation that EU policy will bring an end to Poland’s energy sovereignty and increase energy costs.

Meeting of the Prime Ministers of Poland and Slovakia

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki will meet on Thursday in Warsaw with the head of the Slovak government, Eduard Heger. Among the topics of the talks are issues of bilateral and regional cooperation, including in the V4 format and under the Three Seas Initiative.

The solar eclipse will be visible from Poland

On Thursday, June 10, there will be a solar eclipse, which in Poland will be visible as partial from all over the country. It will start around noon and will last two hours. In various places in the country, astronomical institutions and organizations will conduct demonstrations of this phenomenon with the use of appropriately equipped telescopes. They can also be seen without a telescope.

Kościński: Economic development and GDP growth

On Tuesday, the government adopted the assumptions of the draft state budget for 2022. It is predicted that next year GDP will increase by 4.3 percent, inflation will amount to 2.8 percent, private consumption will increase by 4.4 percent and unemployment will fall to 5.8 percent.

Baltic Pipe built on time?

According to unofficial information from the European Commission, the European Commission is ready to get involved in finding a solution after Denmark's decision to withdraw the environmental permit for the onshore section of the gas pipeline - Baltic Pipe. The deputy head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, when asked on TV Republika about the EC's willingness to get involved, expressed his conviction that this project would be completed.

Intercity 'portals' connect Lublin and Vilnius

Two giant portals sending live video have been erected in the Polish city of Lublin and the Lithuanian capital city Vilnius, through which residents of the two cities can now see each other going about their daily lives in real time. The installation has turned out to be a real hit among the locals. On July 1st 1569, the Union of Lublin was signed in Lublin, creating the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth out of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Kingdom of Poland.

Trial of a Chinese spy begins in Warsaw

An espionage trial involving a former Polish secret services agent and an ex-employee of Huawei has begun in Warsaw. The suspected case of spying has strengthened the resolve of the forces in the country, as well as in other EU states, who consider it vital to exclude the Chinese group's equipment from their developing 5G telecom networks.

Poles in Belarus released by the regime, forced to emigrate

Three Belarusian political prisoners, Irena Biernacka, Maria Tiszkowska, and Anna Paniszewa, are now in Poland, the Foreign Affairs Ministry has announced. They were released as a result of Polish diplomatic pressure. Nevertheless, the country’s authorities are still cracking down on democratic activists. Political prisoner Sciapan Łatypau attempted to commit suicide in court by stabbing a pen into his neck. He was taken to hospital unconscious.

Conservative leaders meet to discuss the new European party

Italy’s Northern League leader Matteo Salvini has proposed the creation of a new political force in the European Parliament that would bring together his EU political group Identity and Democracy, or ID, the EU political group of Poland’s ruling Law and Justice party or PiS, the European Conservatives and Reformists or ECR, and conservative politicians from the European People’s Party such as Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

The Prime Minister is flying to Spain

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki went to Spain on Sunday afternoon. On Monday, together with the head of the Spanish government, Pedro Sánchez, they will chair the 13th Polish-Spanish intergovernmental consultations. At the end of them, a joint declaration of the heads of both governments will be adopted.

Ratification act signed by the president! Already published in the Journal of Laws

President Andrzej Duda signed the law on the ratification of the decision on the European Union's own resources system, the President's Office informed. The act has already been published in the Journal of Laws.

The Sejm approved the candidacy of Dr. Karol Nawrocki

On Friday, the Sejm (lower house of Polish parliament) appointed Dr. Karol Nawrocki as head of the Institute of National Remembrance. In order for him to take over this office, the election of the Sejm must be approved by the Senate (upper house) as well.

“Laurel of Independence” for the Minister of Health

Tomasz Sakiewicz, the editor-in-chief of "Gazeta Polska" and "Gazeta Polska Codziennie", presented on Thursday the commemorative album "Laurel of Independence" to the Minister of Health, Adam Niedzielski. This unique publication is available for sale at

Polish president in Georgia

Polish President Andrzej Duda took part in Georgia Independence Day day and assured the Georgian people that Poland will continue to be their reliable ally and promote Georgia's accession to the EU and NATO. "Our unity and solidarity must stand against any imperial march," Duda said, referring to Russia's assertive stance in the region, and to his predecessor, president Lech Kaczyński, who visited Tibilisi in 2008 while Russian tanks were preparing an assault on the city. The Polish president visited the EU Observation Mission on the demarcation line between Georgia and South Ossetia. Duda called Russia an "aggressor" whose conduct called for a determined international response.

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Ewa Swoboda, Poland’s Fastest Woman, Faces Unfounded Gender Scrutiny

In the world of athletics, where the measure of...

Polish Triathlete Robert Karaś Faces Disqualification and Record Loss over Doping Scandal

Robert Karaś, a prominent Polish athlete, finds himself at the centre of controversy as the International Ultra Triathlon Association (IUTA) imposes a harsh penalty for doping violations. Karaś's once-celebrated record in the 10xIronman distance has been tarnished, marking a significant setback in his career.

Ryszard Kukliński, the man who saved the world from War World III

Colonel Ryszard Kuklinski was a Polish Cold War spy who divides opinions. He has been hailed as a hero by some and denounced as a traitor by others for leaking confidential plans about the Soviet-led Warsaw Pact alliance to the CIA.

Italy: drunk driver killed tourists

A tragic accident occurred in the north of Italy. A drunk driver drove into a group of German tourists who were standing on the side of the road. 6 people were killed and 11 were injured. All fatalities were between 20 and 25 years old.

The Independence Cruise

The most beautiful Polish tall ship Dar Młodzieży “The Gift of Youth” set sail for a voyage around the world to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Poland regaining its independence.

Reawakening the memory of Joseph Rotblat, Polish Nobel Prize winner and one of the men behind the nuclear bomb

Few other Polish nuclear scientists have been as forgotten by the Polish general public as Joseph Rotblat. Known abroad as one the greatest champions of the global peace movement and one of the most influential proponents of nuclear disarmament, the memory of Rotblat in Poland has been fading away for years. Determined to do something to change that course, Warsaw officials have decided to name a centrally located square after him.


Winter fades into Spring. Clocks move forward an hour....