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Poles in Belarus released by the regime, forced to emigrate

Three Belarusian political prisoners, Irena Biernacka, Maria Tiszkowska, and Anna Paniszewa, are now in Poland, the Foreign Affairs Ministry has announced. They were released as a result of Polish diplomatic pressure. Nevertheless, the country’s authorities are still cracking down on democratic activists. Political prisoner Sciapan Łatypau attempted to commit suicide in court by stabbing a pen into his neck. He was taken to hospital unconscious.

„On the 25th of may, they crossed the border and from that moment, of crossing the border, they have been under our care, of the Republic of Poland.” commented Marcin Przydacz, deputy foreign minister. 

According to the Belarusian KGB, the women crossed the border illegally and therefore could not return. The security services, however, ignore the fact that it was the KGB itself that deported them. The journalist Andrzej Poczobut who has clearly stated that he does not want to leave, remains in prison. 

Belarusian citizens have a very limited opportunity to express their views freely. Students involved in pro-democracy activities are sentenced to up to four years imprisonment. Often tragic events occur.

For Poland, Belarus is a very important country – a culturally and historically close neighbor. At present, in this period of intensifying repression by the Lukashenka regime, Europe is attempting solidarity with Belarusian society, which today badly needs support in order to be able to create, from the foundations, a state of law and freedom after its democratic transformation.





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