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    An important appeal to seniors

    The Minister of Family and Social Policy, Marlena Maląg, in connection with the huge rise in COVID-19 infections, appealed to seniors not to leave home when it is not necessary. "Institutions as well as your relatives will ensure that you have what you need, delivered to your home," she assured.

    All of Poland under yellow zone starting today

    The Polish Ministry of Health reported more than 5 thousand new coronavirus infections in the last 24 hours. The government has introduced new restrictions in an attempt to slow down the spreading of the virus. Shopping hours for seniors are making a return, while wearing masks outside is now obligatory throughout the country.

    Nearly 500 fines for not wearing masks were issued on Wednesday

    By checking the obligation to cover the mouth and nose, we have already instructed over 170,000 people, punished over 20,000 with a fine, and on Wednesday alone there were 475 cases. In over 7,500 cases we sent motions for punishment to the court, spokesman for the Chief of Police inspector Mariusz Ciarka informed on Thursday.

    Armenians in Poland urge the country to take action regarding the conflict with Azerbaijan

    Armenians living in Poland called on Poland and Russia to take action over the conflict in the Nagorno-Karabakh enclave, at a protest in Warsaw on Monday. Protesters appealed to Poland's President Andrzej Duda "not to let another genocide happen", referring to mass killings of Armenians by the Ottoman Empire between 1915 and 1923, and urged Russia as well to support Armenia.

    PGNiG: surge in gas production in Norway

    PGNiG Upstream Norway concluded an agreement with Norske Shell, as a result of which it will acquire shares in the Kvitebjørn and Valemon production fields in the Northern Sea. Thanks to the transaction, the gas production in Norway of the PGNiG's capital will increase to 0.9 billion cubic meters in 2021, so it will be approx. 30 percent greater than assumed in previous forecasts.

    PGNiG summarises the 15th anniversary of stock quotes at the Warsaw trading floor

    Within 15 years of the stock exchange debut, Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo more than tripled its revenues and is the second largest company in terms of capitalisation listed in Warsaw. The return on investment in PGNiG shares from the moment of the public offering exceeded 90 percent.

    Polish MEPs file a motion to dismiss Katarina Barley

    Today, on behalf of Law and Justice party MEPs, professor Ryszard Legutko submitted to the European Parliament a motion to dismiss German politician Katarina Barley, a Vice President of the parliament. This was in response to the scandalous statement made by Barley on German public radio, in which she suggested the ‘financial starvation’ of Hungary and Poland in order to force both countries to comply with the rule of law according to criteria set in Berlin, Paris and Brussels.

    Several Polish ministers in quarantine

    Jacek Sasin, Michał Dworczyk, Dariusz Piontkowski, and Jacek Ozdoba were all sent to quarantine in connection with the epidemiological investigation carried out in connection with the discovery of coronavirus infection in MP Przemysław Czarnek, government spokesman Piotr Müller informed.

    Children of the fallen and injured officials received scholarships

    President Andrzej Duda thanked the Grow with us Foundation yesterday for helping children of fallen or injured public officials. Thank you for giving them the feeling that they are not alone, that they have not been forgotten, Duda said.

    The ruling party still holds most support (survey)

    Despite the reconstruction of the government and disputes in the United Right following the vote on the amendment to the Law on the Protection of Animals, support for the ruling Law and Justice party remains very high. According to the latest survey, Szymon Hołownia's position within his „Poland 2050” movement has weakened.

    Alligator found in the swamps near Wrocław

    While the Polish storks have left the country for Africa for the winter, another exotic animal seems to have come to Poland. Strollers near the Oder river in Wrocław reported to have seen an alligator! It is yet unclear how the animal ended up there. The Polish services managed to catch the reptile on Sunday.

    To “starve” Poland and Hungary – vice president of European Parliament causes a scandal on German radio

    In an interview for a German radio station, Katarina Barley, former Minister of Justice in the government of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and currently Vice President of the European Parliament, said that Hungary and Poland need to be “starved” to force the two countries to follow the rule of law. Later, the editorial office of the radio station explained itself saying that it may have exaggerated Barley’s words, however the scandal was no longer avoidable. For many, the contempt and disdain demonstrated by the German politician brought back gloomy memories of the attitude of the Third Reich’s activists.

    PGE Group implements the Offshore Program

    The Baltic Sea has great potential as a new generation source. The PGE Group (Polska Grupa Energetyczna - Polish Energy Group) has been aware of this for a long time, therefore one of the pillars of the Group's new strategy will be the construction of offshore wind farms.

    Majority in the Senate hanging by a thread?

    We want to announce that this is a very important act for us and we expect from all parties with which we co-create the majority in the Senate a very far-reaching loyalty during the voting, Senator Jan Filip Libicki told

    New leader of main opposition party in Poland announced

    Cezary Tomczyk has become the new head of the Civic Platform Parliamentary Club. Tomczyk replaced Borys Budka, who combined the position of head of the party and the Civic Platform club.

    Unruly Unbreakable Cursed Film Festival takes place in Gdynia

    Today is the third day of the "Unruly, Unbreakable, Cursed” International Film Festival taking place in Gdynia, which has already become a permanent feature in the Polish film calendar. One of the works presented today was the film "Baśka" - a production of two editors of Telewizja Republika: Dorota Kania and Anna Zapert.


     Warszawa 25 września 2020 roku      WEZWANIE DO ZŁOŻENIA AKCJI W SPÓŁCE   W związku z wejściem w życie ustawy z dnia 30 sierpnia 2019 r. o zmianie...

    Polish presidential couple visiting Italy

    I hope for the intensification of Polish-Italian relations and economic cooperation between both countries, President Andrzej Duda said on Thursday. The Presidential Couple visited the Monte Cassino cemetery, where they paid tribute to the fallen Polish soldiers.

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    Exploring Where to Tune into Republika TV: A Viewer’s Handbook

    Whether in the traditional realm of television or the expansive online landscape, embarking on the quest to find Republika TV is a venture worth considering. With the readers in mind, the dedicated team at Republika TV has curated a concise guide to swiftly pinpoint the Free Speech Zone television station. We urge you to share this valuable information with others!

    “Rock Rachon” Expands Horizon: A New Chapter Unfolds on Republika TV

    In a bold move to broaden its international reach, Republika TV proudly announces the permanent inclusion of the English-language program Rock Rachon - We Rollin’ to its programming lineup. Hosted by the charismatic Michał Rachoń, the show has quickly become a staple on the channel's airwaves.

    Italy: drunk driver killed tourists

    A tragic accident occurred in the north of Italy. A drunk driver drove into a group of German tourists who were standing on the side of the road. 6 people were killed and 11 were injured. All fatalities were between 20 and 25 years old.

    2024 10 08 Poland Daily Weather

    Poland is the Volleyball World Champion for the second time in a row

    Despite personnel changes, the effect remains the same – which is the Volleyball World Championship title. Mere three weeks ago no one had expected that the Polish national team would be playing in the final of the Volleyball Men’s World Championships. Today no one doubts that Poles are the best team in the world. They proved that talent and perseverance leads to great results.