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    Coalition crisis may be coming to an end

    The power struggle within the government coalition continues. It is still unclear how the negotiations between the Law and Justice party and the Solidarity Poland party will end. As Anita Czerwińska, the Law and Justice spokeswoman, wrote this afternoon on Twitter, the ball is now in the court of Ziobro's party, Solidarity Poland.

    Poland Daily hacked! Russian attempts to destabilise the situation in Belarus?

    Our website has been the victim of a digital attack, as a suspicious article suddenly appeared on without our approval or knowledge. The article provided false information on Polish and Lithuanian ministers planning to create a special peace-keeping force of the European Union to send it to Belarus. We have taken down this manipulative article and deny any association with such lies. The most probable culprits of this attack would be Russian hackers trying to destabilise the situation in Belarus and make the Belarusian people hostile towards Poland. Our editorial office wants to express our most sincere support for the Belarusian nation as they struggle against Alexander Lukashenko's regime. We hope that they can see through Kremlin's manipulations and consider Poles nothing else than allies and friends. #unitedwithbelarus

    Poland and Lithuania urge to send troops to Belarus

    A meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council was held in Brussels, Belgium on September 21. In particular, the meeting focused on the EU’s response to the latest political developments in Belarus.

    Polish company PGNiG buys oil deposits in the North Sea

    Polish oil and gas company (PGNiG) will increase the extraction of crude oil and gas from deposits in the North Sea. According to the company, its subsidiary PGNiG Upstream Norway acquired 20 percent of the shares in the Duva deposit in the North Sea. Production is scheduled to begin at the turn of the year.

    Ruling coalition without minister Ziobro?

    The meeting of the heads of the Law and Justice party about the governing coalition lasted over 3 hours. According to media reports, the resignation of Zbigniew Ziobro from his position as Minister of Justice has not yet been decided. Other sources suggest there will be a direct conversation between Jarosław Kaczyński and the leader of United Poland, during which Ziobro will be acquainted with conditions for the coalition’s future.

    Presidential Harvest Festival celebrated in Warsaw

    The annual Presidential Harvest Festival - a great celebration of farmers, was organized exceptionally in the courtyard of the Presidential Palace in Warsaw. Due to the epidemiological situation, this year the celebrations were held in a limited formula. The celebrations began with a mass in the Carmelite Church in the capital, presided over by Cardinal Kazimierz Nycz.

    March for life and family took place in Warsaw

    Today the 15th March for Life and Family passed through Warsaw streets. About 2 thousand participants, among whom was President Andrzej Duda, walked under the motto "Let's defend families together". TV Republika was the media patron of the March.

    Ruling coalition hanging by a thread

    The conflict inside the ruling coalition continues. At this point no one can be certain what will happen in the next several days. According to some theories, the coalition will be reformed without the current Minister of Justice, Zbigniew Ziobro. Another scenario predicts that the leader of the ruling Law and Justice party, Jarosław Kaczyński would become Prime Minister. Nonetheless, everything points to the fact that the United Right’s future will be decided next week.

    Divisions inside the ruling coalition may lead to early elections

    Individual parties of the governing coalition are of a different opinion on the bill on the protection of animal rights and the so-called COVID-19 bill which guarantees impunity for government officials for decisions made during the pandemic. As a result of the dispute, leading Law and Justice politicians talk about a minority government and early elections, treating the United Poland as their opponent. On the other hand, United Poland politicians said that the dismissal of Zbigniew Ziobro means a definitive disintegration of the coalition and the elections.

    Motion to arrest inspectors from Smoleńsk filed by the Attorney General

    The Attorney General Office filed a motion with the court for the temporary arrest of three inspectors working at the Smolensk airport on April 10, 2010. This is the first step to issuing an international arrest warrant. The charges against the inspectors concern the deliberate action to cause an air traffic disaster, resulting in the death of many people. The decision of the Attorney General Office was commented on by the chairman of the subcommittee of the Ministry of National Defense for the re-examination of the Smolensk disaster, Antoni Macierewicz, exclusively for TV Republika.

    Trouble in paradise over animal protection bill

    A heated debate took place in the Polish Sejm concerning the “Five for Animals” bill, which introduces more protection for animals. The case divided the members of the United Right coalition. The vote on the bill is most likely to take place this evening.

    Protesters gather against animal protection bill

    This morning, fur farmers and farmers from “Agrounia” protested the “Five for Animals” bill in front of the headquarters of the Law and Justice party and later in from of the Sejm building. The protesting crowds sympathized with the position of the Minister of Agriculture Jan Krzysztof Ardanowski, who criticizes the law which introduces more protection for animals and bans fur farming in the country.

    Polish court rules elections by absentee ballot from May 10th were illegal

    The Provincial Administrative Court in Warsaw has ruled that the decision of Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki to hold presidential elections by absentee ballot on May 10th was illegal. The government, however, disagrees with this decision. Government spokesperson Piotr Muller has announced that the court’s decision is being challenged.

    Poland united with Belarus – Polish government takes action

    For the second time in recent weeks, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki spoke to representatives of all parliamentary caucuses about the situation in Belarus and the actions taken by the Polish authorities to support the pro-democracy citizens’ movement there. According to the head of the Prime Minister’s Chancellery, Michał Dworczyk, the government has taken proper action, addressed not only to those repressed by the regime, but also to Belarusian companies that wish to continue to operate their businesses in Poland.

    “The Ambassadorship of the Republic of Poland in Bern. A story kept quiet” – a new book by Dr Drywa

    The promotion of Dr Danuta Drywa’s book “The Ambassadorship of the Republic of Poland in Bern. A story kept quiet” took place in Warsaw at the Press Centre yesterday. The publication describes the activities of the Polish diplomats from what is known as the Bern Group, which was focused on the Polish embassy in Switzerland, and other representatives of the Polish diplomatic service who saved Jews during the Second World War.

    The end of the Tsarist empire. Tomasz Sakiewicz analyses the decline of imperial Russia.

    Since the 1960s, the Russian empire has been regularly shrinking in size. Lasting 400 years process of building a great Moscow state enters its downward trend. It is connected to the fall of more and more ideological mirages: the unification of Russian and Slavic lands and finally the inter-nationalistic import of revolution. All these ideas have been compromised and replaced with an ideological dummy, an alibi to keep the empire going – Brezhnev’s Doctrine, meaning a neocolonial defence of the zone of influence. However, it is not enough to keep an economically weak empire together.

    Project on sexual education in schools causes controversy

    The citizens of Warsaw until 15th September to vote on projects chosen by them which will be financed by the city. One of these covers sexual education classes for children. The project, which is to cost 3 million zloty, brought protests from conservative communities in Poland which see it as a violation of children’s innocence and forcing them to adopt liberal views on gender. Meanwhile, the centre and leftist groups stress that it is important to educate children on sex, sex protection, and the processes their bodies will be going through as they grow up.

    Visegrad Group summit took place in Lublin, Belarus main subject of talks

    The prime ministers of Poland, Hungary, Czechia, and Slovakia met today in the Polish city of Lublin to discuss the current situation in Belarus, the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, and the upcoming special summit of the European Council. Since the beginning of July, Poland has been leading the work of the Visegrad Group.

    Add: redakcja


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    Italy: drunk driver killed tourists

    A tragic accident occurred in the north of Italy. A drunk driver drove into a group of German tourists who were standing on the side of the road. 6 people were killed and 11 were injured. All fatalities were between 20 and 25 years old.

    2024 10 08 Poland Daily Weather

    Poland is the Volleyball World Champion for the second time in a row

    Despite personnel changes, the effect remains the same – which is the Volleyball World Championship title. Mere three weeks ago no one had expected that the Polish national team would be playing in the final of the Volleyball Men’s World Championships. Today no one doubts that Poles are the best team in the world. They proved that talent and perseverance leads to great results.