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    President Trump orders transfer of troops from Germany to Poland

    The “Wall Street Journal” yesterday wrote that US president Donald Trump has ordered the Pentagon to pull up to 9.5 thousand American soldiers out of Germany before September. The report was followed by Reuters informing that part of the 9.5 thousand Americans are to be transferred to Poland, with the figure of 5000 being mentioned as the most probable.

    MPs shout and offend each other during today's session of the Sejm

    Today was truly a show of bad manners in the Polish Sejm. The quarrel began with the leader of the Civic Platform party, Borys Budka interrupting the speech of Barbara Nowacka, who was giving arguments behind the motion to dismiss the Minister of Health. Budka tried to stop deputy Prime Minister Gliński and the leader of the ruling Law and Justice party, Jarosław Kaczyński from leaving the hall during the vote of no-confidence against Minister Szumowski. After that, the situation spiralled out of control, especially when chairman Kaczyński called the shouting members of the opposition "a rude rabble". Speaker Terlecki could not get the MPs of both sides to calm down and finally ordered a five-minute break. It seems like both the ruling party and the opposition are going to go all out in the coming days leading to the presidential elections on June 28th. Only time will tell who will be the winners, and who will be the losers of this unacceptable rudeness.

    Rick Perry – former US Energy Secretary: I don't think people of Poland have anything to look forward to but greatness in the...

    Leaders like chairman Kaczyński and President Andrzej Duda, are the individuals who clearly send the message around the world that the future of Poland is bright. That energy resources that you have on shore and the energy resources that you develop with relationships will continue to make Poland if not the leading country in Europe, certainly one of the strongest, most committed to democracy countries in the entire, not just European Union, but in the world. Said Rick Perry at the Lech Kaczyński's Prometheus Award Ceremony in Warsaw, Poland.

    Thousands of companies supported by Financial Shield

    Nearly PLN 43.8 billion of subsidies from the Financial Shield of the Polish Development Fund (PFR) went to companies all over Poland, PFR informed on Twitter. It was added that e.g. small and medium enterprises received PLN 31 billion.

    Presidential elections to take place on June 28th

    Speaker of the Sejm, Elżbieta Witek, has set the date of the presidential elections in Poland for June 28th. This date allows for the avoiding of a situation in which the highest office in the country would remain vacant, following the end of Andrzej Duda’s term of office on August 6th as President of Poland.


    Date of the presidential elections will be announced in 14 days

    The Act to annul the presidential elections of May 10th because of the coronavirus, written three weeks ago by the National Electoral Commission, has finally been published in the Law Gazette. This means that the Speaker of Sejm now has 14 days to announce the new date of the elections. The head of the Prime Minister’s chancellery, Michał Dworczyk, commented on this today during an interview on Polish Radio’s Programme One.

    Poland's Natural Gas strategy. Jolanta Pawlak talks to Jerzy Kwieciński, President of PGNiG, or the Polish Oil Mining and Gas Extraction

    The potential of the liquid natural gas terminal named after Lech Kaczyński in Świnoujście, (...) is 5 billion cubic meters and our sister company in Poland, which deals with the infrastructure, Gaz-System, is currently expanding this terminal, is about 8 billion cubic meters. This will provide us, on the one hand, with diversification of supplies and will ensure us full independence from Russian gas. - Said Jerzy Kwieciński CEO of he Polish Oil Mining and Gas Extraction.

    The Sejm adopted a bill on public aid for companies

    The Sejm adopted an act on granting public aid to rescue or restructure Polish companies. According to the authors of the act, this assistance is to consist of providing entrepreneurs with accounting liquidity for the time needed to develop a restructuring plan or carry out an efficient liquidation.

    Speaker Grodzki: “I am ready to temporarily take on the position of President”

    The political crisis surrounding the presidential elections in Poland continues. There are more and more rumours of illegal acquiring of signatures by the Civic Platform party for its new candidate, Rafał Trzaskowski. Today in the Warsaw City Hall, the Law and Justice party councilmen filed a report to the prosecution concerning the matter. The Speaker of the Senate, Tomasz Grodzki stated in an interview that if the new head of state is not elected by August 6th, he is willing to temporarily take on the position. The only problem being such procedure does not exactly have a legal leg to stand on.

    Cinemas are getting ready to entertain the audiences

    Since June 6 it will be possible to open cinemas, but not all organizers will take advantage of this opportunity. Opening at the beginning or in the second part of the month is announced by some small cinemas. Multiplexes withhold the decision, wanting to learn detailed guidelines to assess whether they will be able to operate without financial loss.

    Deadline for submitting applications for free means of disinfection for schools extended

    Directors of schools and educational institutions submitted over 11,000 applications for free disinfection measures. "Applications can still be submitted, the deadline for submission is on May 29", the Ministry of National Education's spokeswoman said today.

    Saint Mary’s Basilica will be reopened soon

    Since June 1, St. Mary's Basilica in Krakow will open to visitors who will be able to see the Altarpiece by Veit Stoss located in the centre of the church. 200 people can be inside the temple at the same time.

    Speaker Witek feels misled by Speaker Grodzki

    The Speaker of the lower House of the Polish parliament, Elżbieta Witek, expressed feelings of being cheated by Speaker of the Senate, Tomasz Grodzki, as far as promises regarding the new presidential election bill. Grodzki convened a meeting of the Senate, which has this bill on the agenda, for June 1. Witek appealed to him to take the vote on the presidential elections bill as soon as this week. This bill is necessary for her constitutional duty to announce the new date for the presidential election. She is, however, being blocked by unnecessary delays in the Senate, where the opposition has the majority.

    Manowska sworn in as the first president of the Supreme Court

    Małgorzata Manowska was sworn in today as First President of the Supreme Court, and Judge Stanisław Laskowski as President of the Penal Chamber of the Supreme Court, in the presence of President Andrzej Duda. The president expressed hope that the newly nominated presidents will help to calm the situation in the Supreme Court, and guard the apoliticality of this institution.

    President Duda honours General Kościuszko in Maciejowice

    Maciejowice is a historic town where general Tadeusz Kościuszko, hero of the American war of Independence, fought his last battle for the freedom of Poland. Three horses were shot from under him and a Cossack stabbed him with a pike from behind. After this battle Kościuszko was imprisoned. In his first public appearance since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, President Andrzej Duda spoke to the citizens of the town of Maciejowice.

    Polish CD Projekt RED becomes the largest gaming company in Europe, surpasses Ubisoft

    This week saw another triumph for Polish video game producer CD Project when its market valuation overtook that of French giant Ubisoft to become the largest video game producer and distributor in Europe. With a market valuation of 8 billion Euro, the company was already the most valuable Polish company on the Warsaw Stock Exchange having this year overtaken such giants as oil company Orlen and Bank PEKAO. Best known for the Witcher game series, based on the books of the same name by Polish writer Andrzej Sapkowski, and now also a Netflix TV series, CD Projekt is working on its next game Cyberpunk 2077 which is scheduled to be released in September this year. This much anticipated game - the first trailer was released in 2013 - has already won a number of industry awards. The game is set in dystopian metropolis Night City, in the Free State of California, and features actor Keanu Reeves in a starring role as character Johnny Silverhand.

    Preparations for the next stage of opening the economy

    Guidelines relating to opening cinemas, air transport services and services in shopping centers will be discussed with representatives of individual industries next week - deputy Minister of Development, Olga Semeniuk announced.

    Add: redakcja


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    Exploring Where to Tune into Republika TV: A Viewer’s Handbook

    Whether in the traditional realm of television or the expansive online landscape, embarking on the quest to find Republika TV is a venture worth considering. With the readers in mind, the dedicated team at Republika TV has curated a concise guide to swiftly pinpoint the Free Speech Zone television station. We urge you to share this valuable information with others!

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    In a bold move to broaden its international reach, Republika TV proudly announces the permanent inclusion of the English-language program Rock Rachon - We Rollin’ to its programming lineup. Hosted by the charismatic Michał Rachoń, the show has quickly become a staple on the channel's airwaves.

    Italy: drunk driver killed tourists

    A tragic accident occurred in the north of Italy. A drunk driver drove into a group of German tourists who were standing on the side of the road. 6 people were killed and 11 were injured. All fatalities were between 20 and 25 years old.

    2024 10 08 Poland Daily Weather

    The Craiova Group announces plans to submit a joint bid for hosting the 2030 FIFA World Cup

    The successful cooperation between the Visegrad Group, consisting of Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia has inspired other European countries to set up their own forms of regional cooperation. The latest summit of the Craiova Group, made up of Romania, Bulgaria, Greece and Serbia has just concluded and its seems like the four countries have agreed to submit a joint bid to host the 2030 football World Cup