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    No mass gatherings for a longer period of time

    Despite recent speculation, according to Łukasz Szumowski, Polish Minister of Health, and Mariusz Kamiński, Minister of Interior and Administration, the restrictions regarding public gatherings are not expected to be lifted in the near future.

    Chaos surrounding the presidential elections slowly coming to an end

    It seems that the confusion surrounding the presidential election has come to an end. There is a chance that the Senate will adopt the amendments regarding the organisation of the elections next week which would open the way to set the final date for them. The election, which was due to take place on 10th May, was annulled as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

    Memorial day for Poland and United States by Peter Ballas-Bograd

    In the United States there is an omnipresent tradition of ensuring that heroes are properly recognized – every month – especially in May. We then celebrate Military Appreciation Month and the intrepid men and women who innumerably risk their lives in the name of America and the values it embraces. The U.S. Congress specifically designated this time of the year as Military Appreciation Month in 1999 to ensure every American is given the opportunity to publicly show their gratitude to our Armed Forces. During the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, Americans can witness the bravery and compassion of our troops at first hand.

    “Nothing happened” – a film on paedophilia causes controversy

    The latest film by Sylwester Latkowski entitled “Nothing happened”, regarding the alleged paedophilia among the celebrities who were regulars at the “Zatoka Sztuki” club in Sopot, gathered a lot of controversy. According to Latkowski, many underage boys and girls have been molested at the club. Zbigniew Ziobro, the General Prosecutor and Minister of Justice announced that a group of prosecutors are to investigate the matter.

    President thanked firefighters for their service

    The service of firefighters from volunteer fire brigades is of great social and state-building significance and of great importance for building patriotic attitudes in the country, President Andrzej Duda assessed.

    The purchase of land for the Solidarity Transport Hub to begin this year

    Marcin Horała plenipotentiary of Solidarity Transport Hub (Centralny Port Komunikacyjny - CPK) announced that the draft Act on the construction of the CPK in July and August this year may be sent to external consultations. He added that the purchase of land for the new hub should also start this year.

    Life slowly going back to normal in Poland

    The “new normality” for owners of small businesses is turning out not to be the bed of roses that everyone hoped for. As owners of restaurants and hairdressers told our reporter, Karolina Bałdyga, many clients are still afraid to use their services because of the coronavirus threat, even though their businesses have been allowed to reopen.

    Date of presidential elections still uncertain, June 28th most probable

    Poland’s main political forces met today at an extraordinary meeting, dubbed the "round table", in order to discuss the possibilities for the still upcoming presidential election. It seems that the 28th June is now a realistic date on which to hold the first round of the election, since the ruling party and opposition parties agree on this date.

    Situation in infectious wards in Poland under control

    The Polish Ministry of Health informed today about 356 new cases of coronavirus infection, the majority of which were from the Śląskie Voivodeship. 11 more coronavirus patients died today, all suffering from preexisting conditions. The head of the Ministry, Łukasz Szumowski, announced that the epidemic in the majority of voivodeships is under control, which may lead to the gradual return to normalcy of infectious hospitals in Poland.

    Poland celebrates the 100th anniversary of Pope John Paul II's birthday

    Where would Poland and the rest of the world be today if not for the pontificate of Pope John Paul II? Everything began precisely 100 years ago in Wadowice, where on May 18th of 1920 Karol Wojtyła was born. The main celebratory events, although limited due to the coronavirus pandemic, took place in his home town and in Cracow.

    Polish companies received nearly PLN 10 billion in assistance from the state

    Over PLN 9.76 billion went to Polish companies as part of assistance from the so-called anti-crisis shield, the labour ministry announced today. A significant part of the funds was allocated to the protection of jobs and granting micro-loans to companies.

    Poland may soon lift the order to wear face masks in public

    Many Poles have been waiting for this information for a long time. There is a chance that in the next two weeks, the Polish Ministry of Health is going to ease the order to wear face masks in public. According to Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Health, Sławomir Gadomski, at first, the order to wear masks could be lifted in the regions where the coronavirus epidemic is in a definite retreat.

    Kidawa-Błońska rumoured to be replaced as candidate for president after horrendous campaign

    She run for president, she boycotted the elections, she again decided to run and now she may be replaced as candidate just before the elections. According to PAP, the Polish Press Agency, the Civic Platform party’s candidate for president Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska is to resign from running in the elections. The catastrophic campaign of what seemed to be the biggest opposition party in Poland is to be saved by the current mayor of Warsaw, Rafał Trzaskowski. In the opinion of some commentators, Trzaskowski will have to put up a fight straight from “Mission Impossible” which could very well mean the end for the Civic Platform.

    Elections on June 28th or July 5th?

    The most likely date for the presidential election is either June 28th or July 5th, Jaroslaw Gowin the leader of the Agreement party informed. He assured that the new presidential election project has the support of the entire United Right coalition.

    Tuesday very busy for the fire brigade in Poland

    Strong wind and heavy rainfall caused that firefighters intervened 378 times. They removed fallen trees, broken branches, and pumped water, spokesman for the chief of the State Fire Service, Capt. Krzysztof Batorski announced on Tuesday.

    Resolution of the National Electoral Commission annulls presidential elections in Poland

    The National Electoral Commission (PKW) stated in a resolution adopted yesterday that in the elections for the President of the Republic of Poland ordered on May 10, 2020, there was no possibility of voting for candidates. President's spokesman Błażej Spychalski said that the decision unanimously made by the PKW was good and resolved the state of uncertainty.

    Presidential elections in May after all?

    It is rumoured that during today’s meeting at the Law and Justice headquarters, the leader of the ruling party, Jarosław Kaczyński, had yet another disagreement with Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin. It is said that Kaczyński and his party are looking to conduct the presidential elections on May 23rd after all, despite the controversy surrounding the first date, May 10th, which was annulled due to the coronavirus threat. Former MP of the Law and Justice party, now a judge of the Constitutional Tribunal, Krystyna Pawłowicz took to Twitter to comment on the matter.

    The Polish economy will not weaken as much

    Polish economy is still the leader in the European Union, deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Development Jadwiga Emilewicz wrote on Twitter on Wednesday. She emphasized that our country is to achieve the best expected result in the European Union, despite the forecasted decline in GDP for the entire EU.

    Add: redakcja


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    The Craiova Group announces plans to submit a joint bid for hosting the 2030 FIFA World Cup

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