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    Magdalena Biejat of the Left has been dismissed as chair of the parliamentary Social Policy and Family Committee

    Magdalena Biejat of the Left has been dismissed as chair of the parliamentary Social Policy and Family Committee. Biejat was a supporter of the legalization of abortion before the 12th week of pregnancy, as well as the adoption of children by homosexual couples.

    The European Parliament condemns Poland and Hungary for “being in breach of the rule of law”

    The European Parliament has adopted a resolution condemning Poland and Hungary for being in breach of the rule of law. The resolution states that the situation in both countries has worsened after the procedure of Article 7 of the Treaty on European Union was implemented.

    Exercises of the American army in Europe

    Next week, the first US military transports are due to set off for Europe on "Defender Europe 2020" exercises. As part of them, 20,000 US soldiers will be transferred to the Old Continent.

    Expenditure on heating in household budgets are decreasing

    Expenditure on heating in household budgets are decreasing - indicates the Polish Economic Institute (PIE). 5.1 percent in 2018 Poles could not afford enough heating of the house. This is six times lower than in 2005 - it was stated.

    Minister of Justice defends reform of a judiciary system

    Minister of justice Zbigniew Ziobro appeared before the Senate yesterday to defend the amendments to the common courts’ bill currently being considered by the Senate. Ziobro said the changes proposed by the Law and Justice government are an expression of respect for the “democratic state of law” and addressed the issue of the Polish judiciary which had increasingly become “a state within a state”.

    Delegations of these countries will come to Auschwitz

    31 state delegations have already confirmed their arrival at the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the German Auschwitz camp, which will take place on January 27, the Auschwitz Museum said. About 200 former prisoners and Holocaust survivors will arrive at the ceremony.

    Who is the new president of UOKiK?

    In the recruitment, Tomasz Chróstny, the current vice president of the Office, was elected the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) - the Chancellery of the Prime Minister informed. The President of UOKiK is appointed by the prime minister.

    End of US-China trade war

    The US China trade war is over. US President Donald Trump and the Deputy Prime Minister of China, Liu He, signed a preliminary agreement in Washington today to end it. The conflict stemmed from what Trump saw as unfair action by China and an unacceptably high trade deficit with China. It was significant for international trade as the USA and China are the world’s two largest economies.

    Russia is attacking Poland again

    Russian continues to lie about and to provoke Poland. The Kremlin claims it is defending historical truth. The lies and historical manipulation by the Kremlin were condemned by a majority of MEPs during a debate in the European Parliament yesterday.

    Battle in the Senate over law on the structure of the common courts

     The Polish Senate has started to debate amendments to the law on the structure of the common courts and the Supreme Court. Senator Bogdan Pęk introduced the amendments  on behalf of the Law and Justice parliamentary club. He urged Senators to vote in favour of the bill, but the Senatorial committees oppose it and support rejecting the bill. The controversial amendments deal with disciplining judges for their political and criminal actions outside the courts, prompting the opposition to call them pejoratively muzzle laws.

    Former Speaker of the Senate on the activities of the incumbent speaker

    I appeal to Senate speaker Tomasz Grodzki to reveal who proposed him the position of the Minister of Health in exchange for transfering to PiS, the deputy speaker of the Senate Stanisław Karczewski said on the Radio Trójka today. He admitted that there were such talks, but not with Grodzki.

    “220 zloty and a bar of chocolate”- New witness in the bribery scandal of Tomasz Grodzki

    - I was a witness when my mother entered the surgery of the head physician's office and gave him this money - says Mrs. Marta from Szczecin. Marta's mother is already dead, but for 40 years she had written all the most important things that happened in her life in the book calendar. The calendar from 1997 has survived up to now. Among others the woman wrote: "A referral to (Szczecin) Zdunowo. Only Grodzki can declare this. (...) Life transitions 220 PLN and chocolate ... ".

    Politics is not for judges says Judge Barbara Piwnik

    Judge Barbara Piwnik, former Minister of Justice, has criticised judges who took to the streets on Saturday to protest against legal reforms. Speaking on Polish Radio 24 she said that in the interests of their authority and the independence of their profession, judges should not engage in current political disputes.

    Impertinent interference by the European Commission

    The European Commission, meeting in Strasbourg, has been debating the state of the rule of law in Poland. The Commission has requested the suspension of the activities of the Disciplinary Chamber of the Supreme Court. It seems that under the new President, Ursula von der Layen, the European Commission is continuing the policy of interference in lawmaking in Poland, which had been championed by former Commission Vice President, Frans Timmermans.

    Grodzki's case took on surprising proportions. “He has to give up the function of Marshal”

    - The Senate’s Marshal must be a crystalline figure - said the head of the political cabinet of the Prime Minister Krzysztof Kubów in yesterday's radio interview. He added that suspicion directed towards Marshal Tomasz Grodzki, should make him to leave Marshial’s position until the matter would be clarified. However, it doesn’t look like it is expected. Grodzki is going to fight with the accusations in court – inter alia he sued journalists of "Gazeta Polska".

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    Exploring Where to Tune into Republika TV: A Viewer’s Handbook

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    2024 10 08 Poland Daily Weather

    Italy: drunk driver killed tourists

    A tragic accident occurred in the north of Italy. A drunk driver drove into a group of German tourists who were standing on the side of the road. 6 people were killed and 11 were injured. All fatalities were between 20 and 25 years old.

    Unveiling Columbus: A Polish Twist to the Explorer’s Legacy

    Dr. Manuel Rosa, renowned for his research on Christopher Columbus, recently presented a groundbreaking theory at the Polish consulate in New York. Rosa challenges the conventional belief that Columbus was Italian, suggesting instead that he may have been Polish.