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Politics is not for judges says Judge Barbara Piwnik

Judge Barbara Piwnik, former Minister of Justice, has criticised judges who took to the streets on Saturday to protest against legal reforms. Speaking on Polish Radio 24 she said that in the interests of their authority and the independence of their profession, judges should not engage in current political disputes.

 ”Nowadays, in today’s way of functioning and informing the society, judges can and should be present, but their presence has to be shown by educating and explaining the law. They should inform society about the law and other matters that should be taken into account by the authorities. But judges cannot fight with other authorities, because the term of office of the representatives of the legislative and the executive is going to end eventually and we choose new representatives during elections. Being a judge is a lifetime position. They have to fulfil their function regardless of a change of representatives of the legislative and the executive. Judges should be our rock. Society has to know that they can count on the help of judges even in a situation where they were treated unfairly by the authorities”- says Barbara Piwnik, judge, Former Minister of Justice.


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