Now an invitation to the city of Gliwice. They build there a little Gingerbread town consisting of 237 houses, tenements, a fortified fortress, a prince's castle in the company of dozens of gingerbread men. There’s even a chocolate train that emerges from the darkness. Illuminated with the glow of Christmas trees. Obviously the city smells of cinnamon, cloves and ginger and I can bet that it wouldn’t last If you happen to plan to visit the city of Gliwice - hurry up!
The 10th Christmas Eve for the homeless took place yesterday at the Kamienica Theatre in Warsaw. The director of the theatre Emilian Kamiński goes out of his way to bring Christmas joy to those who don’t have a roof over their head.
Christmas is here, Poles in Poland and abroad are gathering around the tables for christmas eve dinner. We read Holy Gospel, wish all the best to each other and eat twelve traditional vegetarian dishes. Poles celebrate this as a part of lent. An important detail to mention: one can get their presents only after all meals are done and christmas carols are sung! Let us listen to the christmas wishes from the Polish presidential couple: President Andrzej Duda and first lady Agata Duda!
We asked our correspondents how do they spend Christmas in their hometowns. Take Los Angeles. People there not only celebrate Christmas but also African American Kwanza and Jewish Hanukkah, which started yesterday and will last 8 days.
This year all these Holidays are at the same time and are all connected to the symbolism of light.
Margo Shultz reporting from the rainy city of Angels.
The Disciplinary Chamber of the Polish Supreme Council overruled the decision of the regional court to suspend judge Paweł Juszczyszyn. The judge himself did not appear at the court’s hearing since, as he believes, the chamber is violating the constitution. It’s worth reminding, that judge Juszczyszyn was suspended in November by the president of the Regional Court and disciplinary actions were taken against him. All because he demanded to make public how the justices voted for the new members of the National Council of the Judiciary.
The Polish government adopted the projected budget for the fiscal year 2020. The budget has no projected deficit and has guarantees of funds for all needs and new social programs, as well as lowering the basic tax bracket from 18 to 17 percent and increasing tax deductions for generating income, which will affect 24 million taxpayers. The funds for the 13th pension, cost of living adjustment and support for the disabled were also secured.
Most Poles claim that their holiday expenses will be similar to last year's. The survey conducted by CBOS shows that over 70 percent plans to spend the same as a year ago on the Christmas tree and home decor. Almost two-thirds of respondents predict that they will spend the same as last year on gifts and arranging holidays.
The President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection Marek Niechrał has submitted the resignation to Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki - the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) said. The resignation was accepted on Monday - emphasized the Office.
Three new centers of scientific excellence "Dioscuri" are to be created in the capital of Poland as part of a competition organized for the second time by the National Science Center (NCN) in cooperation with the Max Planck society.
Speaker of the Senate, Tomasz Grodzki has become the new face of the opposition. In his activities on the domestic and foreign forum, he gets deeply involved in current political disputes. Meanwhile, the media still publishes reports about people who claim that the Speaker of the Senate demanded money under the table in exchange for medical services when he served as the head physician in a Szczecin hospital.
Yesterday, General Tadeusz Bieńkowski, who fought in World War 2 and against the Soviet occupation, was buried in Kraków with full state honours, following his death last week. Five weeks ago, on the date that Poland celebrated its 101st Independence Day, we reported on this 96 year old veteran who was applauded by so many younger compatriots. Speaking at the funeral, Polish president Andrzej Duda said: “He never denied his faith and beliefs, he never gave up his spirit, he was never broken.”
Robert Karaś, a prominent Polish athlete, finds himself at the centre of controversy as the International Ultra Triathlon Association (IUTA) imposes a harsh penalty for doping violations. Karaś's once-celebrated record in the 10xIronman distance has been tarnished, marking a significant setback in his career.
Few other Polish nuclear scientists have been as forgotten by the Polish general public as Joseph Rotblat. Known abroad as one the greatest champions of the global peace movement and one of the most influential proponents of nuclear disarmament, the memory of Rotblat in Poland has been fading away for years. Determined to do something to change that course, Warsaw officials have decided to name a centrally located square after him.
Once a year the cemeteries in Poland light up with millions of candle lanterns and decorated with flowers. The cemetery aisles fill with relatives of the deceased who travel from around the country and sometimes the world to commemorate the life on earth of their dearly deceased. This unique occasion is called ‘All Saints Day’.
A tragic accident occurred in the north of Italy. A drunk driver drove into a group of German tourists who were standing on the side of the road. 6 people were killed and 11 were injured. All fatalities were between 20 and 25 years old.