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    Archaeologists from Jagiellonian University Uncover Ancient Native American Art in Colorado

    In a groundbreaking discovery, archaeologists from Jagiellonian University in Krakow have revealed vast galleries of Native American rock art in Colorado, USA. The oldest images, depicting shamans and warriors, date back to the 3rd century.

    Led by Dr. Radosław Palonka, the team explored the remote Sand Canyon, Graveyard Canyon, and Rock Creek Canyon, uncovering petroglyphs from the 12th and 13th centuries and even older ones from the Basketmaker III period.

    The petroglyphs, including geometric patterns and depictions of shamans, warriors, and wildlife, span over 4 kilometers. Some feature spirals used for astronomical observations by the Pueblo Indians.

    The researchers collaborate with local Native American groups, such as the Hopi and Ute, gaining insights into iconography and rock art. Future plans include creating a 3D map of the canyons and recording video conversations with tribal elders for a multimedia exhibition.

    This discovery reshapes our understanding of the region’s pre-Columbian settlements, promising more revelations as the researchers await the final 3D map.

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