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Arrested Official’s Father Reveals: Daughter Lost 10 Kilograms in Detention. Son-in-Law Pressured to Resign

In an alarming case of state overreach, Andrzej Skrzetuski, father of the unjustly detained official Mrs Urszula, has revealed that his daughter has lost a shocking 10 kilograms while in custody. Mrs Urszula was arrested at the behest of prosecutor Bodnar, and her father has bravely spoken out on Radio Maryja about the severe hardships and unjust pressures being inflicted on their family.

Dramatic Arrest and Harsh Treatment

The ordeal for Mrs Urszula began in a brutal manner, as Mr Skrzetuski recounted the terrifying day when a large contingent of ABW officers stormed their home on her birthday. “They nearly broke down the door,” he recounted. “My daughter went to open it, and they scattered throughout the house, seizing documents, laptops, tablets… they even took my grandson’s school tablet.”

Since her arrest, Mrs. Urszula has faced inhumane restrictions. Communication has been severely limited, with letters taking four to six weeks to reach her, if at all. Out of six letters sent by her father, only one made it through. Mr Skrzetuski also revealed that he was only able to contact his daughter 11 days after her arrest, and she has since reported a drastic 10-kilogram weight loss.

Despite the hardship, Mrs. Urszula, a devout Christian, remains resilient. In her letter, she wrote: “Humanly, the situation is difficult and unfair, but for God’s Will, nothing is impossible. This suffering can serve a good cause, for Divine Providence can turn even harmful actions into opportunities for our sanctification.”

Family Under Siege

The unjust persecution extends beyond Mrs. Urszula to her entire family. A deeply religious woman, she requested the services of a priest but was initially visited by an Orthodox priest. Her father later confirmed she was finally able to receive confession from a Catholic priest.

Mr Skrzetuski believes there are efforts to coerce his daughter into implicating Marcin Romanowski or Zbigniew Ziobro. He firmly stated that his daughter, with her strong moral foundation, would not be broken by these pressures.

The situation took an even more sinister turn when Mr Skrzetuski revealed that his son-in-law faced repercussions soon after Mrs Urszula’s arrest. Employed by a German company, he was pressured by his management to resign, citing “family reasons.” This blatant targeting of the entire family underscores the malicious intent behind these actions.

Mrs Urszula’s case is a glaring example of abuse of power and highlights severe issues within the justice system. It is imperative to bring these injustices to light and demand accountability for those responsible for this persecution.

Read more: Arrested Official’s Father Reveals: Daughter Lost 10 Kilograms in Detention. Son-in-Law Pressured to Resign

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