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    Blueberries: The Superfruit for Eye Health

    Eyesight issues are now considered an epidemic, with 90% of people using reading glasses. In today’s smartphone era, protecting our eyes is crucial. Blueberries, a globally popular superfruit and a favourite among Polish nutritionists are highly beneficial for eye health and recommended by eye doctors. 

    Combatting Eye Strain: How Blueberries Can Protect Your Vision in the Digital Age

    With 97% of people owning smartphones and spending over 3 hours daily on screens, eye strain has become a significant concern. Blueberries, rich in vitamins A, C, and E, offer a natural solution. These vitamins are essential for eye health, with vitamin C acting as a powerful antioxidant and vitamin E supporting retinal health. Blueberries improve the retina’s adaptation to light changes, treat night blindness, strengthen eye capillaries, support collagen, and protect against oxidative damage.

    Regular consumption of blueberries is particularly recommended for those with eye conditions like macular degeneration, cataracts, and retinal infections. Dr. Marta Tarasiewicz, an ophthalmologist, emphasizes the importance of good lighting, regular breaks, and outdoor activities to alleviate eye strain from prolonged screen time. Many professions, such as drivers, designers, programmers, and teachers, require extensive screen use, making blueberries an essential part of their diet.

    Blueberries: The Ultimate Antioxidant-Rich Superfruit for Eye Health and Overall Wellness

    Blueberries are the richest source of antioxidants among fruits and vegetables, containing 15 types of anthocyanins. These compounds have anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects on eye photoreceptors, protecting against blue light damage from screens. Historical accounts even reveal that RAF pilots consumed blueberries to improve night vision during the Battle of Britain.

    Incorporating blueberries into daily diets can improve eye health and reduce the risks associated with prolonged electronic device use. These antioxidant-rich berries also support anti-ageing processes and overall health. As Poland is a significant producer of these superfruits, dietitians recommend a cup of blueberries with meals as a simple step towards maintaining health, making the most of the summer season when Polish blueberries are at their best.

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