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    Civic Platform’s MPs in consternation: Kamiński and Wąsik enter the chamber. The ruling party witnesses a significant gesture

    Parliamentarians from the ruling coalition experienced a great shock today when, just before the voting block, Members of Parliament Mariusz Kamiński and Maciej Wąsik entered the plenary hall. Greeted with loud applause, they took their seats. Afterward, the former Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration made a significant gesture towards the ruling party.

    During the Sejm session, Members of Parliament Mariusz Kamiński and Maciej Wąsik entered the chamber. The politicians were welcomed with applause from the Law and Justice party. Their presence proved somewhat unexpected, as today the Speaker of the Sejm issued resolutions declaring the expiration of the mandates of both politicians.

    Good morning,” Hołownia blurted out, clearly taken aback.

    In response to the ruling party’s cheers directed at PiS deputies, Kamiński pointedly flashed the victory sign, followed by a distinctive smile and Kozakiewicz’s gesture.

    Hołownia explained, “I understand that the appearance of MPs Kamiński and Wąsik stirred emotions in the room. I want to inform you of the factual situation. Today, I signed a resolution to terminate their mandates, attaching a letter asking the gentlemen MPs to refrain from performing duties related to their parliamentary mandate. At the same time, aware that there is an appeal procedure to the Supreme Court, I refrained from taking further action.”

    “They have been pardoned; this decision has not been changed.”

    The unlawful conviction of politicians is in stark contradiction to the presidential pardon granted by President Andrzej Duda.

    The Minister in the Presidential Chancellery, Małgorzata Paprocka, maintains that “the President’s position regarding Mariusz Kamiński and Maciej Wąsik is clear and unchanged: in 2015, they were pardoned, and this decision has not been changed in any way.


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