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Closure of a tourist trail in the Tatra Mountains due to the presence of a bear family

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In the Tatra Mountains, specifically in the Jaworzynka Valley, a mother bear with cubs has appeared, prompting the authorities of the Tatra National Park to close the popular yellow hiking trail leading from Kuźnice to the Gąsienicowa Valley. This decision was made in order to protect nature and ensure peace for the bear family that is staying near the trail.

The priority for the national park is the protection of nature, including natural processes, and sometimes people have to yield to the wild inhabitants of the Tatra Mountains. Therefore, tourists must respect this decision and show an understanding of the needs of wild animals living in this area.

It is worth remembering that when visiting natural areas, we are guests in the world of wild animals. Our task is to respect and protect their habitats and to adapt our behavior to the rules prevailing in this area. The closure of the hiking trail is an example of how important it is to take actions aimed at the protection of nature and wild animals.

Bears are animals that mainly feed on plants, forest fruits, mushrooms, herbaceous shoots, and shrubs, but also carrion. When approaching winter, they gather sufficient fat reserves and create a den, in which they usually hibernate from November to March. Every two years, a female bear gives birth to 1 to 3 cubs, which stay under the mother’s care for a year and a half. Adult bears weigh about 300 kg and live up to 50 years.

In Poland, bears are strictly protected, and their main habitat is the Bieszczady Mountains. Therefore, in the event of encountering a bear near a hiking trail, it is important to calmly and without sudden movements move away in the opposite direction.

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