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Communication Disruption with EagleEye Satellite

Poland’s EagleEye satellite faces communication issues; recovery efforts are underway, with identified causes and corrective measures in progress.

Recently launched, Poland’s largest and most advanced satellite, EagleEye, has experienced a significant communication disruption. Creotech Instruments S.A., one of the developers, has announced that corrective measures are underway, with a chance to restore contact.

Potential Causes Identified

EagleEye, developed by Creotech Instruments S.A., Scanway S.A., and the Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences, was successfully launched into orbit on August 16. However, a few days later, communication with the satellite ceased. Creotech has identified two potential causes: inaccurate satellite positioning affecting ground antenna alignment or power shortages on the satellite.

Ongoing Recovery Efforts

Despite the communication issues, recovery efforts are ongoing. Creotech is working with specialists to determine the satellite’s precise orbit, which could be achieved in the coming days. Although the power issue is more severe, the satellite was designed to restart and resume data transmission even under critical conditions. Meanwhile, ground-based analysis continues to support the recovery.

The company emphasizes the prototype nature of the mission and acknowledges the inherent risks, yet considers the EagleEye mission a success due to the valuable data gathered so far.

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