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Advent: A Time of Spiritual Preparation and Cherished Traditions

Advent is a special time for Christians. It precedes Christmas and is a period of spiritual preparation for the rebirth of Jesus Christ. Non-believers also enjoy some Advent symbols and customs.

Polish Folk Proverbs for December: Weather Predictions and Their Meanings

Discover traditional Polish proverbs for December that reflect the changing weather and its impact on the coming year. Learn the meanings behind these folk...


Will Poland have to pay huge compensation to the German minority?

The Warsaw District Court awarded the municipality of Ozimek...

Court Arrests Matecki. Ziobro: The Prosecutor’s Office Handpicked a Specific Judge

On Saturday, the court imposed temporary detention on PiS...

President Andrzej Duda’s Women’s Day Wishes: Joy, Success, and Optimism

President Andrzej Duda shared warm wishes on Women's Day,...