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Duda highlights Poland ‘reached’ Ukraine in its hour of need

On Wednesday, Polish President Andrzej Duda declared that Poles had “reached out” to their Ukrainian brothers in their moment of need, showing them immense compassion and kindness.

President Andrzej Duda addressed a jam-packed crowd in the courtyard of the Royal Castle in Warsaw moments before Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky delivered a speech. Mr. Duda expressed his pleasure at seeing the two countries united through their joint effort in promoting peace and security.

“In an hour of need, we Poles, reached out to those of our brothers who were in need,” Duda told the crowd, which was made up of mostly Poles and Ukrainians.

“We opened our hearts and immediately offered assistance by welcoming into our homes those neighbours who were fleeing the war, by assisting in their transport, by organising various collections, charity events, donations of gifts and taking them to Ukraine – to those most in need,” said Duda. “And we are still doing so, right to this very day.”

The president added that the Polish government, along with local governments, non-governmental organisations and churches were all engaged in providing support.

“But above all, millions of Polish women and men are involved,” he noted.

“I thank you, once again, with all my heart, for this great civic and widespread general outburst of solidarity,” he said.


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