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Duda Proposes Mongolia as Solution to Bringing Russian War Criminals to Justice

Polish President Andrzej Duda suggested that Mongolia could play a key role in bringing Russian war criminals in Ukraine to justice during a visit to the country.

On Wednesday, Poland’s President Andrzej Duda and his wife, Agata Kornhauser-Duda, received a prestigious honour when they visited the National University of Mongolia in Ulaanbaatar. As the country’s oldest university, Duda was awarded an honorary doctorate in law, recognizing his status as a leader in the international community.

President Duda of Poland accused Russia of violating international law on Tuesday, claiming the country was attempting to rebuild its former empire. “Russia is brutally breaking international law,” he said. Duda went on to say that the neighbouring countries of Mongolia and Poland have been the victims of this aggression.

According to him, both Poland and Mongolia well remember what a world based on force rather than law looked like and that “at all costs, we cannot allow a return to that.”

Polish President Andrzej Duda has expressed his support for an international arrest warrant issued for Russian President Vladimir Putin in relation to an alleged war crime of abducting Ukrainian children. Duda stated that the move was a step in the right direction.

“I am convinced that Mongolia can make a significant contribution to the efforts of the international community to protect international law and help bring Russian war criminals before the justice system,” Duda said. “Poland has for years observed and appreciated Mongolia’s efforts not only to build democracy in the internal arena but to ensure peace and security in the world.”


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