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Educating Patients: Vital in Asthma Treatment

May 7 marks World Asthma Day, emphasizing the critical role of education in managing this respiratory condition. Since 1998, global efforts, in collaboration with WHO and the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA), have highlighted the importance of education alongside diagnosis and treatment.

Understanding Asthma

Asthma, a prevalent non-communicable respiratory disease affecting around 360 million people worldwide, is influenced by genetic predisposition and environmental factors, characterized by chronic airway inflammation. Symptoms include wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and coughing.

Importance of Patient Education

GINA stresses the necessity of patient education for positive treatment outcomes. Well-controlled asthma implies minimal symptoms, rare nocturnal awakenings, infrequent need for rescue medication, and normal daily activities.

Challenges and Solutions

Severe asthma poses significant challenges despite optimized treatment, highlighting the need for personalized care and access to advanced therapies like biologics.

Biological Therapies: A Breakthrough

Biological therapies, like mepolizumab, show promising results in severe asthma management by targeting specific inflammatory pathways.

Enhancing Detection and Care

Improved detection of eosinophilic diseases, facilitated by routine blood tests, enables timely diagnosis and treatment adjustments. Coordinated care and educational initiatives, including dietary guidance, empower patients to manage asthma effectively.

Initiatives like “Prescription 2.0” aim to enhance patient care by integrating decision support tools into prescription practices. On World Asthma Day, the focus on education underscores its pivotal role in empowering patients and improving asthma outcomes globally.

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