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    Employment in the IT sector in Poland

    According to Eurostat statistics and PEI data, Poland’s IT sector’s employment has stalled compared to the entire labour market. Based on the reports from this year and the end of 2021, IT specialists account for approx. 3.5% of all employees.

    In Poland there are around 50 thousand small, medium and big software companies. Even though, IT industry in our country is a relatively new sector and is constantly evolving. The reasons for such development of this sector is the great need of such services.

    According to PARP reports, the IT industry constitutes about 8% of Polish GDP, employing over 430 thousand people.

    From January to May 2021, over 105 000 job offers for IT specialists were published on the Polish internet.

    In line with to the published commentary by the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (ZPP), according to the data of the Polish Economic Institute, in order to maintain the percentage of IT employees among total employees at the European average, the industry in Poland would have to employ an additional 150,000 people.

    On the other hand, data collected by the Software Development Association Poland (SoDA) industry organization suggest that the potential for additional employment in IT in Poland reaches even 300-350 thousand people and it is constantly growing.

    IT specialists account for approx. 3.5% of all employees and this is one of the lowest values in the EU, where this ratio is 4.5%. Thus, in terms of changes, it can be seen that employment in the IT sector in relation to the entire labor market has stalled. After all, according to Eurostat data, at the end of 2021, about 586,000 people worked in the ICT sector, which accounted for 3.5% of all employed people in Poland.

    According to ZPP, such a significant gap in the labor market in the IT sector should be considered as a serious barrier to development in all time perspectives (in the short, medium and long term). The challenge of the future is therefore to close the labor gap in the IT industry in Poland by correlating activities in the field of supporting employment and development of enterprises.

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