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Exhibition at the National Museum in Warsaw: “NMW Collects. Purchases from 2017–2022”

The National Museum in Warsaw (NMW) invites art enthusiasts to a fascinating exhibition showcasing the latest additions to its collection. As part of the exhibition titled “NMW Collects. Purchases from 2017–2022” visitors will have the opportunity to admire a selection of over 120 artworks acquired through grants from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. The exhibition will run from May 11 to August 27, 2023.

The National Museum in Warsaw continuously expands its collections, taking care of the development of all its holdings. New artworks find their way into the museum through various means, including donations, deposits, and the restitution of artworks stolen during World War II. However, at present, the most significant role in expanding the collection is played by acquisitions. All acquisitions are carefully selected and represent a responsible investment for future generations. Currently, the National Museum in Warsaw houses over 830,000 artworks.

One of the most notable acquisitions in recent years was the collection of 14 colourful drawings by Marc Chagall. These works come from the artist’s mature period and were created in the 1960s and 1970s. Chagall combined various techniques in his artwork, such as gouache, tempera, crayon, pencil, and ink, giving his pieces vibrant and intense colours. The exhibition will also feature other valuable acquisitions, including works by Anna Bilińska, Stanisław Wyspiański, Mela Muter, Wojciech Weiss, and August Zamoyski.

Many artworks have been acquired in connection with monographic exhibitions organized by the National Museum in Warsaw. An example of this is the purchase of a portion of the works presented in the exhibition dedicated to Anna Bilińska. The museum acquired items such as the pastel titled “Woman in a Kimono with a Japanese Umbrella” anatomical studies, archival materials, and plaster models. The same was true for works by Witkacy, Wojciech Gerson, and Piotr Potworowski. On the other hand, the museum acquired the entire collection of August Zamoyski, which prompted the organization of a presentation of this sculptor’s oeuvre.

“Undiscovered Beauty: 19th-century Women Sculptors at the National Museum in Warsaw”

In addition, the National Museum in Warsaw presents a unique exhibition that reveals the pioneering generation of Polish women sculptors from the 19th century. The exhibition “Corsets Off. Camille Claudel and Polish Women Sculptors of the 19th Century” invites visitors into the world of female artists who paved the way for subsequent generations of women in art. The exhibition runs from May 19 to September 10, 2023.

The exhibition features the works of Natalia Andriolli, Tola Certowicz, Maria Gerson-Dąbrowska, Amelia Jadwiga Łubieńska, Jadwiga Milewska, Felicja Modrzejewska, and Antonina Rożniatowska. It is worth noting that most of them worked during the same period as the famous French sculptor Camille Claudel. Therefore, this is the first presentation of Claudel’s works in Poland.

The 19th century was an era when sculpture was considered a male domain, and creating nude sculptures was deemed inappropriate for women. However, women actively engaged in sculpture and broke through social limitations. The fight for gender equality took place on many fronts, and women gained increasing recognition in the art world.

Polish women sculptors pursued different paths of education. There were several private art schools where women could receive training. Wojciech Gerson’s school in Warsaw was one of the most important, although it did not teach sculptural techniques. In Krakow, there was the so-called Baraneum, where Marcel Guyski led a sculpture workshop for women. Many Polish women also studied abroad, primarily in Paris, the art capital of that time.

PKN ORLEN, Museum Patron, invites you to the National Museum in Warsaw.

Opening hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday 10am to 6pm; Friday 10am to 8pm; Monday closed.

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