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Experyment Science Centre in Gdynia

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Explore Experyment Science Centre’s groundbreaking initiatives in science communication, fostering dialogue and collaboration between scientists and the community.

Experyment Science Centre in Gdynia, a finalist in the 19th Science Popularizer competition, has been transforming traditional science engagement. Established in 2007, it has evolved from a modest 500-square-meter exhibition to a dynamic space fostering interactive learning and collaboration between scientists and the community.

Experyment’s exhibition space expanded sevenfold by 2013, incorporating hundreds of new exhibits and laboratory rooms. Acknowledged with the Science Popularizer Award in 2015, Experyment deepened ties with universities and scientific institutes, fostering projects in citizen science and student internships.

Experyment prioritizes education through Science Cafe, Ciekawi Świata, Noc Naukowców, and NaukoweLove, engaging adults in discussions on societal issues and current scientific problems. Collaborating with Universities of the Third Age, Experyment offers a year-round lecture series for seniors, bridging the gap between modern science and daily life.

Exemplifying citizen science, Experyment undertakes projects such as “Mezoplastik” and “Morszczyn pęcherzykowaty,” engaging non-professional scientists in data collection. “Gdynia w Klimacie” focuses on promoting ecological actions in Gdynia and clear communication about urban climate efforts.

Beyond borders, Experiment collaborates with Polish institutes in Romania and Moldova, showcasing Polish scientific achievements. In 2020, it conducted online scientific workshops for the Polish Institute in Israel. Experyment’s YouTube channel features popular content like “ZDALNY EXPERYMENT,” offering quick lessons in anatomy and insightful discussions on stress.

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